Monday, October 26, 2009


My late Mom

Today marks the 6th anniversary of my mom's passing away. Memories of that fateful Sunday morning, 26th October 2003 when she left never to return, still felt very raw. My mom at 67, was quite sickly then but still very active and she was the type who never sat still for long. My brother who rushed her to the hospital that morning later told us that she has been attacked by acute asthma and efforts by the doctor to revive her was in vain. It came as a shock to us all and at that moment when I saw her lifeless body in the hospital bed, it hit me that she was gone forever, I suddenly felt lost. I felt I couldn't breath. How do we go on without her? How can she go - no no no ...not our mother. She was supposed to be here for us for a long long time.

There were still so many things we wanted to do for her, still so many things not accomplished. I haven't told her enough that I loved and appreciated all that she had done, had sacrificed for me, for us. We thought that there was still plenty of time. Little did we know that God was to take her home that day.

Till we meet her someday, we will hold on to the memories. Lord God, please grant our mom eternal peace....Meanwhile, I'd just say, she's not gone, she's just away....

But oh God, how  I miss her..


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...