Saturday, October 26, 2013


In loving memory....of 

Mother, just a few months before she went home to the Lord..

Mother at around 19 or 20..
What a lovely dress..

..the yellow exora.. Mother's fav flower.  

 If  the Yellow Exora grow in Heaven Lord
Then pick a bunch for us
 Then place them in our mother’s arms
And tell her they’re from us
Tell her that we love and miss her
And when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek and
Hold her for awhile..
Till we meet again someday
We will hold on to the memories..

''purr miaw... I want that fish'  Kitty seems to say. Nobody  is listening

This sight reminds me of my Mom.. She simply loved the weekly market or we call it 'Tamu'.  Here she gets to meet friends and share gossips while chewing the sireh leaves with the necessary 'ingredients'.


"The Koisaan Cultural Village (KCV) The Koisaan Cultural Village is located at Hongkod Koisaan KDCA Complex, Km 8, Penampang...