Friday, October 12, 2012


Google. pic


Grapes bring me down memory lane when I was a wee little girl of around 5 or 6. During one of those rare occasions, my dad (now late) decided to bring the whole family for a trip to town, now city of Kota Kinabalu.

We were a family of little means and that particular time, my dad must have acquired some money cos I remembered it was a joyful occasion. My mum, my younger sister and then my brother, who was the youngest then, excitedly woke up early in anticipation for that long walk to the main road where we would catch the bus downtown. My brother who was about 2, I think, was too young to walk and my dad would carry him on his shoulders.

Upon alighting from the bus, I was amazed at how big the town was. You see we seldom venture away from our kampong apart from going to that little town Inanam then and even that was rare. So we went to a stall to eat that biig bowl of mee soup and oh boy that was the tastiest food I have ever eaten ever, lol!

That meal was followed by a visit to a fruit market where rows and rows of fruits were sold, red apples, green apples, oranges, juicy grapes of various colours, green, red, purple.  I don't really know why we went there for I can't remember us buying anything other than going through that rows of juicy looking fruits. My mouth was watering every minute and I couldn't help but noticed those gorgeous looking grapes. So I tugged at my dad's hand and nervously whispered, "Pa, can I have some of those?" My dad didn't say anything but looked at me sadly and he looked at my mum. Mum said, "No, cos they are very expensive and we can't afford them." I nodded sadly and we started to walk away. I guessed my dad must have felt very sorry for me 'cos suddenly he stopped and asked the stall owner whether he could buy a small bunch of the grapes and how much would it cost.

I couldn't remember how much, but he managed to get a small bunch of the grapes and we happily divided it amongst us. It was the most delicious fruit I have tasted ever. I vowed to myself then, when I grow up, I would buy all the grapes that I can afford....haha..

Yours Truly with friends just having fun camwhoring at a vineyard in Seddon, NZ.
Those are just harvested grapevines cultivated especially for wine-making. 
There were some left-over fruits on the vines and we just could not help popping them straight to our mouth. No worries, no pesticides were used.

Pic below:  Credit goes to my lovely friend Agnes for
 WatsApp-ing me this lovely picture of a vine in Perth, Australia
 during her visit there recently.  

This post which I have posted before when I first started blogging. 
Now re-posted as was prompted by Agnes' pic of
these grapevines.

For  Grapes Nutrition facts, do visit  

Anyway, she is home now and complaining about the weather hahaha.. 

Here is her WatsApp (message through hand phone) to me (I was already fast asleep)   :)

Agnes:  I niss the weather in Oz. Here I constantly feel sticky, bloody humid.
I brought back wine which is from a winery near the house. U c d tiny grapes. D vineyard is about 10 min from the hse. Food is good.  Had kangaroo steak.

Me upon waking up early mornAdoii, sorry couldn't reply last nite.  I think I was fast zzzzzzzzzzz.  Love the grapevine pics. So green and fresh.     Hey what you mean your job here is done.... You still got plenty of work to do like accompany me go tamu (market) or eat ngiu cap (beef noodle soup).   hahaha..
 (this was with reference to  our earlier WatsApp  conversation. We ere talking about some products that contain SLS which can cause cancer. I told her we shouldn't use the stuff then 'cos I want to live longer and she responded:   

Agnes:  Who cares, last last die also.

Me:        Hooii...hahaha.. but I want to last longer. 

Agnes:   I don't know, I am ready to go.  Siap already my job here..

Me:      Hey what you mean your job here is done.... You still got plenty of work to do
              like who is going to accompany me go tamu (market) or eat ngiu cap (beef noodle soup).  ..hahaha

Hahaha...crazy conversation... 
Agnes if you are reading this... so when you wanna belanja me go eat ngiu cap? :D


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...