Tuesday, April 10, 2012


'It is with great pleasure that trust has yet again fell on my shoulders to oversee the birth of this year’s Sodop Unduk Ngadau Handbook and this, I have Puan Jornah Mozhim ,the Chairperson of the State Level Unduk Ngadau Organizing Committee 2010/11 to thank for.  I have been procrastinating as always, sidelined by other matters, which is the worst enemy of deadlines. So, I am thankful to all my ....."

This is the excerpt of my notes in the Sodop Unduk Ngadau (SUN) Handbook 2011 'Gala Nite Charity Dinner 2011". So procrastination was the word and is still the word for this year.. aiyaa.. yes, procrastination is about the worst enemy of deadlines and I am fighting it, but oh for mental block. Wise men say that you should not postpone until tomorrow the things you can do today. But somehow, procrastination is such a powerful negative source to reckon with. But why?  No, I am not about to analyze it. There's no time.

If not for that 2 weeks trip to New Zealand this month-end, I would have plenty of time as I only need to send this about 60-page book to the printer only in mid May. Yes, after proof-reading and editing of course and to be released just in time on 29th May 2012.  Such being the case, I of course should start earlier and complete a draft before my trip, of which, sadly I have barely done so.

But I am not complaining 'cos I have done this before, haven't I? This is my 5th year doing this and I basically know what I need to do and am not panicking…yet. I just need to think what articles to write, to pore over the thousand and one photographs and choose the appropriate ones. Just need to interview a couple of personalities and viola.. I am done..I hope.

So I am taking a deep breath .... everything will be Ookay... *exhale*.

So I gotta run.. cheers!

The books are sold to diners and the public during the SUN Gala Nite Charity Dinner held every 29th May.   Back copies are sold at half price until stock lasts.

The contents are basically the activites undertaken by the Reigning Queen during the year, such as the Charity Visits, the places of interest that she has visited, the history behind the Legend of Huminodun, What is Unduk Ngadau, articles on a couple of traditonal costume of the Kadazan, Unduk Ngadau of Yesteryears, the Subsidiary Titles, behind the scenes, preparations,  farewell message and lots more..


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...