I was waiting for someone who was running a little late and getting impatient by the minute but comforting myself that everything happens for a reason... what else can one do then except wait and watch precious minutes go by. The alternative of course is to just get up and leave which I almost did.

But Mr Butterfly (or Miss Butterfly) came along and was flying around me, giving me that come hither look, challenging me and taking my attention away from boredom and seemingly saying, "Hey, look at me, I am gorgeous!" "Show off", I muttered and ignored it. It kept coming back and I felt honoured and flattered that it thinks that I am worth getting attention from ....so I took the bait and clumsily took out my camera and shot it. As if it knew it now had my attention, Mr Butterfly perched on a cluster of yellow flowers, flapping its wings and showing off its spectacular colours!
Using my zoom lens, I took several shots, but my skills in getting the camera's mode like setting the Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO right is very much lacking, and so I couldn't get the desired shot. Still, I managed to play around with the settings. These are some of my best shots and I am rather pleased with them.
Oh well, I shall treat this as my learning process. So thank you Mr Butterfly. Yes, everything happens for a reason, you helped me learn something.
As if saying, "it's my pleasure", it flapped its wings and circled around me and disappeared, most probably on the lookout for its next 'victim' in need of help, leaving me a little forlorn......
Goodbye Mr Butterfly and thank you for lesson learnt....
(a repost)