Thursday, October 25, 2012


In loving memory of my Mother who went home to the Lord 9 years ago  tomorrow..

If  the Yellow Exora, 
Mother's favourite flower
grow in Heaven Lord
Then pick a bunch for us
Then place them in our mother’s arms
And tell her they’re from us
Tell her that we love and miss her
And when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek and
Hold her for awhile..

Tomorrow marks the 9th anniversary my mom went home to the Lord. Sometimes it gives me a shock to realize that that length of time has passed yet the sadness of her absence in our everyday life still lingers. 

Remembering that day 9 years ago, 3 days before, my sister had just delivered a beautiful baby boy. My other half and I had dropped by the hospital to see her and the baby. My mom who was with my sister during her labour was there outside the ward with 2 other ladies chatting and laughing like old friends. I greeted them and mom told me the ladies were also there to visit their respective children. They were sharing chewing some 'daun sireh and betel nut' to while the time away. I noticed the fresh red stuff on their lips and mouth and smiled marveling at what that 'daun sireh' does. I call it the 'friendship-maker' as it seems to make people more sociable and strangers can be friends in just few minutes though I have never learnt how to appreciate the taste. 

I went inside the ward and saw my sis and her husband proudly looking at their lovely bundle of joy. The baby was sleeping oblivious to the visitor's exclamation on how gorgeous he was.  I commented how lovely his nose was for a baby, not those normal snub-nose that babies tend to have.  

the baby, now 9 years old

My sister was discharged the following day. That was a Friday and I made another visit to their house to see her and the baby that evening after work. My mom who was living with them was watching her favourite soap and was grumbling at how the episode gave a cliff hanging ending and she couldn't wait for the next episode to be played only after the weekend.  I laughed and asked her what the story was about. 

Yes, my mom was a sucker for Indonesian, Cantonese and Filipino tv series. She could memorise all the names of the actors, actresses, the plots, the storyline with uncanny accuracy by just reading the sub-titles. 

We chit-chatted, laughed about a lot of things as usual late into the night.  My mom at 67  looked fine but occasionally complained about her chest infection and of which she was on medication. My mom was asthmatic but was active and never one to sit still.

the land

I left at around after 9.00 pm promising to see her on Sunday. She had earlier asked my siblings and I and our respective spouse to travel to Papar, a 30 minutes drive away to clear the family's piece of land to make way for fruit trees. I hugged her, kissed the baby and left.

That was the last time I saw her as that early morn of Sunday, the angels took her home to be with the Lord...

Rest in peace dear Mom....

Mother you seem so far away
On that beautiful white shore across the sea
Yet I remember love's soft flow upon your face
And the feel of your touch and tender embrace

Sleep Mother, in the cradle of the Lord
I am reassured of God's promise in His Holy Word
I dream of the day when Heaven's gates open to receive me
And with your smiling face and loving eyes
Reunited once again we will be...


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...