Monday, October 1, 2012


Yesterday is dead and gone. Goodbye September. You were good to me. Well not perfect but still good enough and I've got a lot to be thankful for really.  As the saying goes, nobody wants to be in pain, but you can't have the rainbow without the rain.  But oh, hello October… please, pretty please, be good to me. 

I’m still flushed, a present from the merciless sun. There are some reddish glow on my nose, my cheeks, angry red marks with a burning sensation on my shoulders, my neck and my arms so badly tanned.  Looks like the 50 SPF lotion couldn’t help much against the burning sun and protecting me from the tan effect.. arghh.  Knowing my skin, it will take several months for it to get back to the original tone.  I am not very fair-skinned by nature and have always been envious of those fair-skin ladies who will burn yet get back their normal colour in no time. With this newly acquired but certainly not welcomed tan, looks like this would be my lament for months to come. 

Folks, this is the testament of my glorious weekend rendezvous of island-hopping on the breathtakingly beautiful isle Sipadan, Mabul, Kapalai Resort and Bohey Dulang situated on the east coast of Sabah.  With God's grace, the weather that last weekend of September was perfect and I had the most wonderful time. So burnt skin or not, I would do it again in a heart’s beat! 

Thanks to the Chairman of Sabah Parks, YB Dr Joachim Gunsalam for according me and my UNK gang the fantastic opportunity! Sabah Parks is a statutory body under the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment. 

Ok, will talk more about the trip later.  Meanwhile, allow me to show off some pictures of the trip... :). Cheers!!

 our ride me..

Sweet Young Things..

.. the group pic

releasing the baby turtles to the sea..

.. a closed-up 

lovely Jo and moi at Maldives...errmm.. .at Kapalai Resort


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...