Wednesday, February 20, 2013


“....this gathering not only gives us the opportunity to come together in unity to honour and remember our forefathers and in particular our great great grandmother Madam Soluoi (great great great to some) for her enterprising spirit, hard work and tenacity, but also aims to create awareness amongst the Soluoi Clan especially the younger generations, of the heritage that she left behind - the family that had spread and multiplied! It is also a time to celebrate the present, and prepare for the future, a time for reconnecting with relatives for the purpose of fellowship, and the strengthening of ties that bind us one to another. May this gathering strengthen the bond of relationships as we face the future, but always keep with us our ties of the past!

Sincere thanks to all those who have been involved one way or another, and to the members of the organising committee for their commitment and hard work towards making this function a success. Tonight is the culmination of a lot of work, a lot of sweat, some tears perhaps…and to one and all, thank you for your attendance and your support. May this gathering be the first of many many more gatherings in the future........”
(Excerpt of my speech as the Organising Chairperson during the 1st Soluoi Clan Reunion Dinner held on  the 31st July 2010 .

It has been almost 3 years now since we celebrated the Soluoi Clan Reunion with a grand dinner. Time does fly fast and our plan to hold the Reunion at least once in 2 years apparently didn't go through.  The days went to months then went into years. Everyone was to busy doing their own thing. It is a blessing that a few of my cousins and my siblings are enthusiastic about this Reunion and has been pestering for the next Reunion.

We actually almost had one last year.  What we planned was to have a a gathering on a smaller scale like a Family Day at the beach perhaps, games and lots of eating. 16th September 2012 was set but we had to defer it when a beloved cousin passed away late August after a battle of leukemia.  Rest in Peace dear cousin.  You are now in a better place, where there is pain no more. Part of us miss you so much but God loves you more.

Our 1st Reunion in 2010 was attended by almost 300 members of of Soluoi Clan. With a bevy of activities – dances and performances, singing and not forgetting the lucky draws, kiddies fashion show competition with a title ‘Prince and Princess Soluoi’ and also the chosen Mr Valiant Soluoi and Miss Elegant Soluoi of the Night - it was a night to remember! The coming together of relatives some of whom I’ve never met before and those of whom I haven’t met for more than 20 years. And then there were those that came home from abroad. We really had fun that night and some even wished that it could be organized yearly.  I wish it is that easy though as we have to take into considerations lots of things - finance, logistics etc etc...

Anyway, we had our meeting last weekend to discuss and deliberate on the next Reunion and also to elect a new Organising Committee. I would have preferred to sit back and give my support and also offer advice from behind the curtains so to speak and also give the younger generations the opportunity to do it their way.  With unanimous decision from the meeting, my plea to have my post given to another was not accepted and  once again, the task to Chair the Reunion once again fell on my shoulders. The other members ie Vice Chair and Treasurer was also retained respectively with the exception of the Secretary. My cousin who did a good job was not able to continue with the post due to work commitment.  The task therefore was given to my lovely niece of whom we know is no less capable. 

But who was Soluoi? When the few of us mooted the idea of the 1st Reunion more than 3 years ago, we weren’t sure of which and where to start the generations from. Several suggestions were put up. Should we use the name Sombuling who was our maternal great great grandfather or his wife Soluoi? We wanted to use Sombuling but nobody knew much about him except that he was from around the Penampang area. We played it safe and opted to use Soluoi instead.

The story goes on to say that Soluoi came from Kibambangan (the google result showed a place on the hillside between Penampang and Tambunan) with a host of others for a Tamu day (Market Day) at Kolombuong (now Inanam) on one fine day in the late 1800s.  The journey in those days from Kibambangan to Kolombuong took about about 5 to 6 days on foot through hills and vales.  These people would travel in groups each carrying their land produce to sell to the market or a barter trade with the sea people. 

They would have make-shift hut in between their journey where they would rest for the night and continue the journey at dawn the following day. Soluoi was believed to be a young girl of 15 or 16 at that time. She had cried all the way to Inanam, it was said, due to her fear of those jungle leeches that lined up her jungle path. So traumatised was she that she resolved never to return home and pass through that detestable path again. Instead she implored to her parents to let her stay at the make-shift hut at Kg Sobog, Bambangan and with single-minded determination opened up a piece of land therein until she got betrothed to one, a very hardworking young man, Sombuling Gontolob. (Sources: My cousin Datuk SKK’s introduction in his Family Tree Directory).

..the land must have looked something like this in those days..

Sombuling and Soluoi were blessed with two daughters, Jouhim and Losunggim, the latter of whom died in her adolescence. Jouhim (my maternal grandmother) bore 10 children, 5 of whom died in their infancy. The other 5 consisted of a son, the eldest and 4 girls, my mother being the youngest. Four of these siblings have since passed away. My aunt the eldest daughter of Jouhim, is still living on the land first opened up by Soluoi.

It is interesting to note that the generations has spread to many parts of the world! With these planned Reunion, we hope to once again gather together and that this gathering strengthen the bond of relationships of the Soluoi Clan. As of now, I am pleased that some from abroad has agreed to be back to Sabah especially for the Reunion planned tentatively in August 2013.

31 July 2010, a bouquet of flowers for my aunt (mother of Datuk SKK), the Grand Matriach of the Soluoi Clan.  She still lives in the land, first opened up by Soluoi. 

The land is now a shadow of what it used to be. Now surrounded by development, the charm of the place has somewhat faded with the passing of time. The cool fresh waterfall that we used to play around when we were kids has now been reduced to a trickle.  The paddy fields that Soluoi and Sombuling used to till,  now a concrete jungle..

 Oh well, nothing lasts forever..
other things may change us, but we start and end with Family.... 


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...