Tuesday, January 14, 2014


When we had  the Soluoi Clan 1st Reunion Dinner way back in 2010 which was a success having a crowd of about 300, it made a lot of impression on us and thus we had planned to hold it again at least once in 2 years.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, we were not able to carry out the plan.  Also, with deep regret, our beloved Grand Matriarch (my mother's oldest sister), the last surviving granddaughter of Soluoi has since passed away at the age of 85 a couple of months ago.

Nevertheless, it was a delight that we finally managed to have it after 3 years but not without a lot of drama, drama which we could have done without.

My cousin, and also our Advisor, Datuk SKK

... delivering my welcoming speech. 
Couldn't hear myself talk! 

Organising an event where family and relatives are concerned is not the same as in organising an official event where budget for that specific event is there, ready to be juggled around. But when organising a function where collections from individuals is the name of the game, then be prepared to be accompanied by headaches and not a little stress.  Also, there is the concern on communication among the members and tact to be given a lot of emphasis. A slight mis-communication could escalate into something unattractive and you could find yourself alone. 

Thank goodness for the bunch of enthusiastic members of the organising committee I was not unduly worried as each knew what was expected of them. I was away the whole month of November and more than half of December 2013 which was 2 months before the event. Thus, communications thru network as in Facebook, emails, mobile phone thru watsapp and even wechat have never been more useful.  Absence in the midst of organising an event especially when one is the Organising Chair is not a good idea. So my skills in delegation was a little tested. 

The families were colour coded 
 - Yellow Family -
Offspring of Soluoi's eldest, and the only grandson.
  Soluoi had 5 grandchildren.

The reunion dinner was attended by almost 200 members of the Soluoi Clan held in a restaurant downtown.  The venue, a good location and well-known for its good food and reasonably priced was chosen. What we didn't foresee was that the restaurant had also let out 2 other events in the next hall separated only by a thin folding panel.

Green Family (offspring of Soluoi's 2nd grand child)

It didn't help that the other function was a launching of some traditional event and so the sound of gongs and other instruments which were LOUD and seemed never ending drowned what little music we had.  We could not even hear ourselves talk. We knew then that the evening was going to be a disaster! Nevertheless, we proceeded and did the best we could with what we had and we actually did have fun.    

Above: Red and Blue Family 
(offspring of Soluoi's 3rd and 4th granddaughters who were twins)
Blue Family has the least number.

 Purple Family
 (offspring of Soluoi's 5th and youngest grandchild, my mother). 

December babies

Candid shot

 ..dance session

 my nephew and lovely nieces

My brother and his lovely wife

Little Soluoi Fashion Parade

..and the cute winners

Pity, we do not have any picture of Madam Soluoi. But we imagined, one of these  beautiful young ladies must have resembled her.

and perhaps one of these dashing young men must have resembled Mr Sombuling
 (Madam Soluoi's husband) 

Crowned by Datin Rosie

Voted by independent judges as the most  likely to resemble our great great grandfather 
and great great grandmother
Mr Sombuling and Madam Soluoi.

Till  the next reunion in 2 years time, adios!


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...