Sunday, August 29, 2010

Honey...dinner is served..

I remember my sis’ saying ‘I may not be the greatest cook but you will never starve”. And sis, that applies to me too. There’s not much time to do a lot of cooking during weekdays. So normally, after coming home from work in the evening, I would just dig up something from the fridge and toss some onto the wok..and viola!!..stir-fried vegetables. Or in the morning I’ll just put in the beef, carrots, potatoes, big onions and freshly pounded black pepper together with black pepper sauce, some seasonings, dump everything inside the slow cooker or I call it the magic pot if you will, and by evening, everything would have been nicely cooked, meat tender and that, my dear, is the beef stew, Angie’s version, ok not the most original but what the heck. Sometimes it will be just simple dish like the steamed fish which doesn’t take too long to cook or even deep fried prawn with ‘sambal’. Of course the fish or prawn would have already been prepared or marinated much earlier.

my simple home-cooked food..
from top left: stir-fried veg, beef stew (Angie's version  :p ), white rice with raw cucumber 
and egg and add the sambal prawn (ala nasi lemak)
fried rice, deep fried prawn cooked with sambal and steamed fish fillet..

Come weekend when there’s more time, I prefer to spend a bit more time in the kitchen that is if I ‘rajin’....hehehe, otherwise it will be eat out......but there’s nothing like home-cooked food.


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...