Saturday, January 10, 2015


I guess it is still not too late to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year 2015.  

2014 has just ended. Was it a good year for me? Like every year, there are fair shares of good and bad. Some days are just great and things go as planned and then there are days when I do not feel motivated at all.  Days when even the brightest day seems to let my best laid plans go out of the window before the day has barely begun.  

I usually get by, when things go wrong, I try to find something or several things to feel grateful for and to always remember that things that happen not within our control always happens for a reason.  And always, even if things look tough today or for the next few months,  something always comes up to make me grateful for what had happened.  God is great all the time!  

Gratitude, that feeling of thankfulness depends on how one perceives each situation.  So I try to be grateful for every little things, the fundamental things in every day life, even the most mundane of things, from having good internet connection, smiles from friends, the not so great dessert of chocolate fudge that I made last night, to bright sunny days. I am even thankful for the weighing machine which showed I have gained some kgs.... no that's no good but I won't let than dampen my spirit. haha. I am glad I am in a pink of health and I can always burn those extra calories with a few rounds in the park.  

That and lots more to be thankful for and if I were to make a list, I would be here till Christmas!  

And what about new year's resolutions? Well, like every year, I've got some only to break them.  Will try harder this year.. one of which is to trim away unnecessary drama in my life.

My recent trip to the beautiful Puerto Princesa..


Have a great year everyone!
Quote of the Day:
“Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity.”
― Samuel Ullman


"The Koisaan Cultural Village (KCV) The Koisaan Cultural Village is located at Hongkod Koisaan KDCA Complex, Km 8, Penampang...