Saturday, April 7, 2012


Visited Kiram's Village once upon a weekend, a quaint mountain resort in Kundasang,  lovely, romantic fairy-tale like chalets and with a view to die for. Nicely landscaped though a little unkempt, some of the flowers looked a little old and were wilting.

This was my second visit and I remember that first time, most of the flowers were at their prime, blooming, fresh and crisp. This time round though, they didn't look like what I remembered.. probably due to the rain.. yes, it was raining when we arrived, which was a shame really.  With a temperature of around 14'C to 18'C, flowers seem to thrive very well.  Managed to shoot some the morning after, the ground still very wet, and oh still so cold.  Determined to practice my macro shot, did some.. skills still very much lacking. Please do not tell me about the Rule of Thirds, supposedly a compositional rule on photography. Naaah.. I will shoot according to my whims and fancy..

Oops.. pic above, I made adjustment to the colours and
 I think I might have got a little carried away..

 Regret, I am unable to name the flowers...

A Blessed Easter to all.. The Lord is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia!!


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...