Friday, November 7, 2014


Can't believe that the year will end in less than 2 months time.  Time it seems crept by and the realisation that another year is almost ending is like waking up from a dream.  Upon reflection, I guess I've done quite a bit the past months.  Have not done as much photography as I would like to though.  Them old hands now prefer to go about light and snap everything using my old rusty Iphone.  Heard that Iphone6 has just been launched but the price is very much beyond me. So I guess, it would have to be me and my rusty phone at the moment. 

Woke up the other day and my phone was buzzing and I was thinking, these people, early riser. It was a public holiday after all being the State Governor's official birthday.  And I was shocked  upon reading the buzz from a friend and being congratulated at having being awarded with some state award! And I was like 'whaaaat!?' 

Gosh, that was surreal and my friend took pains to take a snapshot of the paper where my name was one of those hundreds that were listed. It was a small award, but an award is an award. It is an honour indeed and I must thank the person who nominated me and for recognizing my small contributions to society through my involvement in NGO, though to me rather insignificant compared to many many others who have worked harder than me.  I understand that 4 names from my group were nominated, but that only 2 of us were successful. 

And so I received the letter from the Istana to attend the award ceremony on the 18th November 2014 to be held at the State Assembly building.  The usual place, i.e. the Istana is currently undergoing renovations.  The letter says that I can bring my spouse to witness the ceremony and I was like 'Great, someone to take photo of me during that historical moment too...hahaha.!!..  Hubby. however has some other ideas, that he would not be free that day and also he said that it is not as if I am receiving a 'Datukship'.. hahaha  cehh, spoilsport!  Oh well, I am sure there will be official photographers there. 

Talking about photography, I am glad that some friends have invited me to conduct some photoshoots. These friends are professional photographers of course and they were shooting young ladies in the traditional costumes for 2015 calendar.   My shots of course pale in comparison if not on the verge of embarrassment but then again, I defend myself that mine are simply for my learning process and just as a hobby. 

Anyway, to make the pictures look little more than just mere photographs, I played around with lights and colours.

Venue:  Sabah Museum

Model:  Miss Cheryl Lynn who is also the reigning Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan 2014/2015 (a Kadazan beauty pageant in search of the most beautiful maiden to commemorate the legendary Kazadan Princess, Huminodun).

She was wearing the traditional costume from the district of Kota Belud called the 'Sinipak'.

Many thanks to all the models, who were very professional and patient throughout the photoshoots especially with our many requests for unconventional poses.  They are a photographer's dream and we had lots of fun and laughter doing these photo sessions. 

 Model: Miss Christy
Wearing the traditional costume of the Lundayeh tribe from the district of

Model: Miss Bibie Lista wearing the Rungus traditional costume from the district of
Matunggung, the northern part of Sabah

 Model: Debbie
wearing the traditional costume from  the district of 
Lahad Datu, 
East Coast of Sabah.

Miss Bibie Lista

Have a nice day folks. Cheers and thanks for dropping by.


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...