Sunday, January 6, 2013


A sombre and a celebration.. looks like I am contradicting myself. 

Hi All, I guess it is still not to late to say Happy New Year. My first entry for the new year, now the 6th day.  My bad for my tardiness.  Been meaning to write but lately couldn't get anything out of these old bones.

But back to the  Annual Family Reunion that we usually hold every new year eve. This year was done on a slightly sombre scale to respect the memory of my late uncle's demised.  My uncle, my dad's youngest brother succumbed  to his illness 2 days before the new year. My uncle has been ill with the big C for quite a while. Though he responded to treatment earlier on, he apparently turned out for the worst after Christmas Day. My siblings and I had the opportunity to visit and talked to him a little on Christmas Day when we visited him at home. It was a shock therefore that after a few days, my cousin called us that he had passed away in the hospital. 

Our uncle was the nearest to a father to us all as our own father had gone to Lord years ago when I was still in my teens.  Deepest sympathy to my aunt and cousins. A rather bleak new year for them. Though sad, we take comfort that God has taken him to a better place, a place where there is pain no more. Rest in peace uncle. Till we meet again someday, we will hold on to the memories...

My siblings and I then contemplated whether to hold the Reunion.  But as all the preparations had been made,  we proceeded to hold it though on a much lesser scale.  No singing, dancing or games. We had our exchange of gifts and of course the usual.. eating.  Life has to go on after all.  Would like to share some pics taken during the new year eve, some are taken by my sister.  My regret, forgot to take nice pics of the food...aiyaaa.

Cheers every one, and God bless.

 my sister admiring her pressie. It's gentle reminder
to 'momoli bas'  sis..hehehe.... 

 my daughter (left) and my niece

Sweet Young Things... my niece (right) and friend

 "i wonder what's this"

my elated daughter .. 

 ohh... love the shoes.. Those spikes are a killer!!

 my beautiful niece..

 my lovely niece pleased with her presents..

 wonder what they saw..

 handing my pressie to my lovely sister..

pressies for the kiddies all the way from Australia...


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...