Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Been mulling over it the last few days... hmm..how to tell him.. how..how..him means my boss and my other half. No, not about choosing either of them ..LOL.  How to tell them that I want a few days off.. off means that I want to travel again..yes, end of the month.  Ayoo.. how? My friends and I are making plans, yet still I am in quandary about how to take that leave off work when I am not entitled to any leave yet.  Am still on probation and now I dare take leave?  I know, I know..what kind of employee am I ?..tsk tsk..But please, reeeally wanna go..if I do not go now, the sky could fall on me *touchwood* and I may never have the opportunity again, so there..

..May 2012, on board the Interslander crossing Cook's Strait from Wellington to Picton, NZ. The 92km voyage took 3 hours and has been described as 'one of the most beautiful ferry rides in the world."
No, this was not a cruise..:)

Well, I did eventually ask my boss...please pretty please.. let me take 4 days unpaid leave?. Yes, I asked veeeery nicely..and OMG! he said ok...hahaha...so far he said ok...yaayy!  Thank you, thank you!  And my other half?..hmm.. he grudgingly said yes too..after giving me the silent treatment for a couple of days...uhuhh..

Please don't hate me, 'cos God willing, will be going on a short cruise.  Fly from KK transit to KL then off to Penang. There the ship will be waiting..hello Star Cruise...all aboard and set sail to Krabi and Phuket or is it Phuket then Krabi? Then later back to Penang again and fly back to KL - KK.  

..the ship supposedly look like this..

..the Super Star Libra...

Then yesterday, horrors, as I checked my passport, expiry date was less than 6 months! Well, nothing that a visit to the Immigration cannot solve. But there goes my RM300.00 for renewal and RM12.00 for passport photo.  Oh, well that is for another 5 years....

Ok, after this I am going on a strict diet..no eat out for lunch. Will 'tapau' lunch from home.. haha....no shoes, no bag, no dress, no nothing for a looong long time..


**  To all my Muslim friends and relatives, especially to my brother and sister, my nephews, nieces and their  families, "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Be safe and God bless."  


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...