Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Been mulling over it the last few days... hmm..how to tell him.. how..how..him means my boss and my other half. No, not about choosing either of them ..LOL.  How to tell them that I want a few days off.. off means that I want to travel again..yes, end of the month.  Ayoo.. how? My friends and I are making plans, yet still I am in quandary about how to take that leave off work when I am not entitled to any leave yet.  Am still on probation and now I dare take leave?  I know, I know..what kind of employee am I ?..tsk tsk..But please, reeeally wanna go..if I do not go now, the sky could fall on me *touchwood* and I may never have the opportunity again, so there..

..May 2012, on board the Interslander crossing Cook's Strait from Wellington to Picton, NZ. The 92km voyage took 3 hours and has been described as 'one of the most beautiful ferry rides in the world."
No, this was not a cruise..:)

Well, I did eventually ask my boss...please pretty please.. let me take 4 days unpaid leave?. Yes, I asked veeeery nicely..and OMG! he said ok...hahaha...so far he said ok...yaayy!  Thank you, thank you!  And my other half?..hmm.. he grudgingly said yes too..after giving me the silent treatment for a couple of days...uhuhh..

Please don't hate me, 'cos God willing, will be going on a short cruise.  Fly from KK transit to KL then off to Penang. There the ship will be waiting..hello Star Cruise...all aboard and set sail to Krabi and Phuket or is it Phuket then Krabi? Then later back to Penang again and fly back to KL - KK.  

..the ship supposedly look like this..

..the Super Star Libra...

Then yesterday, horrors, as I checked my passport, expiry date was less than 6 months! Well, nothing that a visit to the Immigration cannot solve. But there goes my RM300.00 for renewal and RM12.00 for passport photo.  Oh, well that is for another 5 years....

Ok, after this I am going on a strict diet..no eat out for lunch. Will 'tapau' lunch from home.. haha....no shoes, no bag, no dress, no nothing for a looong long time..


**  To all my Muslim friends and relatives, especially to my brother and sister, my nephews, nieces and their  families, "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Be safe and God bless."  


  1. dear flawless, my friend went on this star cruise last 2 months, and when she came back, hardly recognise her, all sunburnt...so fikir 2 kali.dia cuma stop kat pntai2, island hopping etc etc...she told me the scenery was awesome , but letih mcm nk gila...
    letih tu tk pa, but the sunbrnt part tu yg tk snggup.muka jadi berbelak2, ada tmpat gelap, ada tmpat merah...syg yr flawless skin.
    well put on yr thinking cap my dear..fikir fikir and fikir...lama tu baru nak elok balik..jenoh dok sapu berkilo2 cream...he he.

  2. Hi dear gorgeous IM, oohh nooo..really? poor girl. Anyway thanks for that valuable information. I dah fikir masak2 and if tak ada aral melintang, I nak juga pergi. It is on promo so tak nak ketinggalan. hehehe.. Yes, me going with my gang. But I will come prepared, sun block, my big hat, my flat sandals so tak penat berjalan..LOL. Kaki dan tangan jadi gelap takpe asal tak burnt. But must protect the skin on my face.. I jenis cepat sangat dimakan matahari. Once tanned, setahun pun tak pulih sepenuhnya..:(. So yes, my sunblock with 50 SPF ..and my super large sunglasses hehe..

    Wish can visit you Raya ni haha..nak makan lemang, ketupat, rendang, ayam masak merah, serunding daging, pacri nenas..your cookies dan cake lagi..ahh nak sambal yang pedas2..hehehe..
    Take care my fren.. Mesti happy especially when the kids semua balik kan?

  3. Oh my dear, I have planned this for this Raya Holiday, but it not available during this time.

    You are good to be able to take leave.

  4. rainfield61, take the 1st to 4th Sept...the missus would love it, your camera too..:). Heard Sabah Tourism group would be on that cruise too. Then we should expect some traditional music and dances performed by beautiful lads and lasses from the land below the wind..:).

  5. Bon voyage!

    So, you basically spend majority of your holiday time on ship, right? I bet there must be a lot of things happening on board to get guests entertained

  6. Thanks Floyd..
    A friend who has gone for this trip told me that yes, we would spend most of the time on the ship. It is a 13-story ship and there are supposedly lots of things to do... i have no idea what hahaha.. But I am excited about going on shore.. to Krabi abd Phuket for just walkabout. There would also be island hopping tours but that one have to pay extra.. Will see how. :)

  7. Hi Angie, wow.. that's really fun, you got the approval from your boss and other half. I'd been on star cruise from Singapore to Penang previously, really enjoyable and fun no doubt a little seasick when the sea is very rough at certain hours. And lots of food to eat from International cuisine to Chinese food, 5 meals aday.....!!! And off course in between try my luck in the casino.LOL

    Have a nice holiday, don't forget to bring bikini and suntan lotion.
    Best regards.

    1. Hi Amelia, so you've been to that cruise too. Yayy!! That's wonderful. We were given choices whether to take that cruise from Singapore-Penang-Phuket, but we were informed that currencies used on the ship would be in Singapore$$, so we decided to take from Penang instead. At least we only need to change once ie to baht when reach Thailand. Pssst.. will try luck on the casino too hahaha.. wish me luck. Bikini? LOL ...die lah!!.. No lah..hahaha!!...don't want ppl to get seasick and nothing to do with the sea..LOL.

      Have a lovely day.. hugs!! :D

    2. Hi Angie, ya..from shopping, casino, games arcade, spa, etc... all spent in Sin dollar. Food off course are free after all 5 meals a day is more than enough, eat until satisfactory. I love the international breakfast.

      You still looking good and young, why cannot wear bikini? Won't die or sea sick, will make head turn admiring you. :))

      Have a nice holiday and wish you good luck in the casino.

    3. Hi Amelia, wow great! 5 meals a day? hahaha...wonderful!! And thanks for the good wishes.. will keep my fingers crossed and that many many 'kachingss' will roll out for me hahha..

      Arhahaha!...bikini! eekkk...hahaha.. but will wear the pareoh..and will try take nice photo and if not nice, will make sure I cover my bad..haha.....ahemm.. I did put on a few kgs after eating so much during Raya time..hope to lose it on time.

  8. Whoaa...Angie...bestnya pigi jalan2 naik kapal ke Krabi and Phuket..bah..tapi jaga2 jangan balik nanti sudah sunburnt sampai nokoitom moti hahaha..sayang tu kulit..

    enjoy yourself kio and take lots of picture nanti post sini..

  9. Helloooo Azwa, hey how are you? Ada balik KK kah ari tu? So sayang oh, could not meet our friend Su. She balik Tuaran and she ada invite to her house on 3rd day but I was away in Bundu Tuhan for Staff Retreat gia.
    Haha.. nah saya gansawon kan, jaalan saja. Luckily I dapat green light from my boss. Odoi, ya sunburn lah saya paling takut. My skin so sensitive and once nokoitom, so difficult to kasi baik. But I will come prepared and hope to minimise damage hehe..

    Thanks for dropping by kio..tata for now :)



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...