..a view of Mt Kinabalu from Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre one chilly morn..
To work on to look our best and feeling good is
important at any age and that doesn’t change just because we have a few more
grey hairs. As we grow older, we experience an increasing number of major life
changes, including career changes and retirement, children leaving home, the
loss of loved ones, and physical changes. How we handle and grow from these
changes is the key to staying healthy and feeling good.
Teri, one of my best buds..
..."in every adult, there dwells a child that lingers" ..two years ago...
There are
several tips that can be found on books or from the Net that can help maintain
physical and emotional health and live life to the fullest, whatever the age. It is important to build one’s resilience
and find healthy ways to cope with challenges. This ability will help make the
most of the good times and keep our perspective when times are tough.
....taken during a Staff Retreat....few days ago...
consider myself lucky as I am surrounded by many young people in my place of
work or within the Association I am in. Yes, they keep me young and I forget my
age all the time. haha... These younger friends help to reenergize and also help me see life from a fresh perspective.

...the road to Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre, Kundasang...
These 3 ladies and I, called the walkabout mission one evening after our forum sessions,
'in search of chocolate moist' hahahaha... yes those are cow dungs..
With crazy friends like
these, how to grow old? LOL..
dearest Angie,when i read yr post kali ni baru trasa...eh aku dh tua la..I pun trlupa juga about my age, not once but many times..he he.
ReplyDeleteYou know flawless, I have a friend, a Chinese lady(best friend sejak college until now) .Dia lagi teruk, evrytime orang tanya umur dia, she will take out her IC and say" sat aku kena tengok IC bila org tanya umur, aku pun tk pasti la" ha ha.
When I meet my old friends yg lama tk jumpa they would say "hey hang ni bila nak tua?"
Actually, we do grow old kan Angie,but we dont make it an exhibition for people to see. I mean..when we feel young and energetic why act as though we are like a 90 year old who can hardly walk straight?
Age is catching up I know, but before it really knock on yr door and say hello, just enjoy yr sunshine and do wat you want to do.tak salah kan? as long as kita dont go against the law and religion.
We share many similarities my friend.I bless the day I found you.hope we cn be friends forever.I wish one day we cn see each other.but dont see me lambat sangat.I dnt want you to see me with wrinkles all over then..he he
keep well, stay young and enjoy life..
my dear gorgeous IM, tu lah I slalu forget my age and also people seem surprise when they know hahaha..Of course lah all the evidence of age are there but as you say we shouldn't act like as if we are 90. Also our attitude and approach towards issues of life is important. I don't let small things or issues of no importance bother me much.. rather I prefer to look at the positive side of it and if it is something I can change, then I will and if not, I'll just take it with a pinch pf salt and take it as life's lesson to make us into a better person. I believe that everything happens for a reason.
ReplyDeleteYes, I too feel we share many similarities and am so blessed to have a friendship in you. Wish some day we meet for real. Haha.. if lambat pun takpe.. both of us look at each other's wrinkles..hehehe you kira I punya and I kira yours and I make sure I colour my hairs so you wont see any grey....hehehe..
Stay beautiful and gorgeous always..big hugs.
Stay young and beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAnd as you wish.
And as I wish.
rainfield61, thank you.. absolutely yes!
ReplyDeleteYou too stay young and dashing always. :)
Dear Angie..
ReplyDeleteAa..apa susah..ptptn kan adoo..oopss... Bee pollen kan ado hahahaha..
Ya bah..age is just a number, me too sometimes i conveniently forget my actual age and think young selalu..if not nanti semua tak boleh jadi hehehe..and like IndaMarya said, as long as what we do is not against the law and religion..i seconded that..
I sure miss that place..Kundasang..many many moons ago, Carol, Joanna, myself and another officer from Muzium i think together with a bunch of male officers attended a course there..hahaha..percaya ka nda..it's called Kursus Kecergasan..sana kaki gunung, punyalah sejuk...mau bangun pagi pun malas, lagi siok tarik selimut bah hahaha..what is the name of that place again.. Mesilau kah tu?
Stay beautiful always dear..
have a nice day..
My dear Azwa..hahaha betul lah..apa susah..ptptn kan adoo hahaha.. berabis I ketawa this expression.. and yes of course bee pollen.. haiyaaa.. mine habis oredi ohh.. mau beli lagi lah ni. Hope them rinkols nda sempat keluar banyak LOL.
DeleteYes, the place we went near Kundasang lah tu.. a couple of miles before Kundasang, belok kanan if from KK is Bundu Tuhan. Yes the place so chilly, and we were all using warm clothings and we pretend we in foreign land LOL. Ohh I missss the climate there eventhough bikin malas..macam siok ja tidur kan? And during our retreat, makaaan ja kerja kami... imagine bfast, tea, lunch, tea again, dinner then supper eeekkk.. gumukzzz trousss LOL.
Have a lovely day dearie and stay lovely always..hugs and kisses
Just looking at those happy faces, you feel happy and younger already.
ReplyDeleteBTW, mt kinabalu looks awesome from this perspective.
haha.. you know lah, when friends get together, pantang nampak camera. Macam2 action keluar.
DeleteCrazy kan, we were wondering where the awful smell came from and we were informed the smell was from the dung from the wandering cows nearby. We were having a break and I asked those ladies to go on a "mission" with me. They asked, what mission? I said 'in search of the smell" and someone said 'chocolate moist'!! hahaha.. beliakkkk..
Hi Angie, wow.. look like you're having fun with all the youngster. You definitely still look young and gorgeous even thou without the youngster around you. With happy go lucky, gila type of friends very hard to grow old and make one forget about their age too. LOL
ReplyDeleteStay young and sweet always, eat more chocolate. hehehe...
The first picture scenery is very spectacular. Nice shot!
Have a lovely week ahead, hugs to you.
Hi Amelia, yes most of my friends are much younger than me but I don't really feel much older than them...hahaha.. I guess because I am able to adjust myself readily to different conditions..LOL. So when I am around older people then no choice but have to be sopan and act my age. But of course I prefer the gila2 type, laugh sampai sakit perut.. hahaha.. it is like therapy and can de-stress me and make me forget my worries or sadness LOL.
ReplyDeleteThe first picture is of Mt Kinabalu which I quickly snapped early one morning before it got enveloped by the clouds. I like how the clouds 'wrapped' itself around the mountains. :)
Have a lovely evening dear..hugs..