Saturday, August 24, 2013


One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite singers, Dato' Sheila Majid. I haven't heard this song for a long time now.  When I watsapped my sister about our suggested songs for the Grand Finale for our 2nd Soluoi Clan Reunion this December 21st, (the 1st Soluoi Clan Reunion, 31st July 2010)  she suggested this song too and I was like gosh yes, I remember this song, very meaningful words and would be appropriate for that occasion. Here's Sheila Majid in one of her best number. Many thanks to the person who uploaded this on youtube.

I have earlier suggested the following song by Ms Diana Ross.. 

If We Hold On Together..

The 2nd song is favoured more by my cousins.  Or perhaps we could sing both..
Meanwhile, come lets enjoy the songs..

I would like to dedicate the next song to my late mom and to all her siblings who have passed on. My aunt, the Grand Matriach (my mom's eldest sister) one of Soluoi's grandaughters just passed away at age 85 about a month ago... Rest in Peace to all.. Miss them dearly, but they are probably so busy having their own reunion whereever they may be to even think of us ..Have fun ya'll, till we meet again someday, we will hold on to memories.



  1. Then, I rather be the dentist than the "old" lady.

    Have a "laughing" day.

  2. haha..hilarious isn't it.
    and I can imagine the lady rushing home and looked, really studied herself in the mirror...haha oh my..:)

  3. kah kah, Angie.lawak lawak.especially the last part.makes me remember the same incident with the dentist I last visited 5 months ago.I know he was the handsome dashing Chinese boy in SMD.So I said "I was yr elder brother's classmate dulu.I guess he is a doctor too ?"
    And he replied"you mean Kee Seng? you must be joking.He's too old to be yr classmate.!" Then he looked at the info on my card and nodded.agreed."yes la..."
    I guess I was smiling at him(suka la tu ) and he said." u a teacher? a teacher memang susah tua sebab kawan dgn budak2" .Then dia giggled sorang2.
    Masa tu I was not smiling anymore.He was gigling still.moreover dia tengah pegang driller...takut.

  4. hahaha...good thing you tak giggle with him, else giggling while holding that drill is dangerous tu..hahaha.. ter drill salah gigi siapa yang susah hehehe...aku juga..eehh salah dialog lah..
    Tapi I tak heran lah, mesti you look much younger than age sebenar hehehe..kannnn? :P. Sama juga ngan I (aisehmenn...), org slalu tak caya my age..haha.. sekali tengok IC, then selalu ask 'ehh what's your secret ah?" hahaha..mana ada secret pun.. ahemm.. mungkin bee pollen kot?

    Let's stay young always ya..hugs..

  5. Hi Angie, thanks for the dentist jokes. Actually we never know how 'old' or haggard we look like until we look at our photo or bump into a friends whom we haven't meet for 5 years. LOL From the meet up, the wooo and arhh..little bit of gossiping... go home everyone will look at mirror and start searching for wrinkles or freckles. LOL

    But we should be thankful that we are able to wake up every morning and no health glitches. Count our blessing instead of counting our wrinkles. :))

    P/S Your other half still looking good. :)

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Hi dear Amelia, tu lah kan, we ourselves normally cannot really see how we change through the years..only others can judge us kan.? :D. Then only when we look at our photos compared to few years back and then ..hmmmm..we notice. Same with old friends, some really change and hardly recognizable. But betul what you say, at least we can still wake up every morning and still be blessed with good health, for that is actually our real wealth. :).

      Hahaha.. my other half, better don't let him know he still look good. Else, he kembang float and aksi like peacock hahaha.. Actually, if he colour his hair like he did once, he looks much younger haha,, but I felt it was so funny, like old man trying hard to look young ..haha. I couldn't keep a straight face for days..

      Now if a woman does that like I do, I mean colour hair and try to look younger by dressing or make up well, I feel tak funny pun..jahat kan I? hehehe

      Take care dear and have a lovely evening...hugs to you.

  6. Dear Angie..adus sakit perut baca joke petang2 nie..betul tu ..sometimes, we look at other and think, 'my, he look haggard and old', not realising that others are doing the same to us hahaha..

    but when am all kena paitung lawa2, nda terasa kono tua, till ambil gambar dekat orang muda2 kenampakan tu wrinkles baru terasa veteran hahahaha

    stay young alwaz dear..

  7. Elooo Azwa, miahahaha... me too sakit perut first time baca ni. Perasan bah tu lady yang dia masih muda..hahha..dia fikir tu dentist tua, sekali kana balas lebih teruk..adoii..kesian..

    Ahemm.. tu lah, me if keluar, misti paitung sikit haha..if not ketara lah process process penuaan sedang berjalan lancar..huhuu. But we try to maintain lah kunu.. and yang paling penting, we are healthly kan..

    Stay young and beautiful too my dear. Tk care kio..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...