Saturday, September 7, 2013


..missing you..

yours truly, under the hot merciless tropical sun at Ao Nang beach, Krabi, Thailand..

(..will post more pics later.. :)

 .took this from our hotel window in Penang..

the SuperStar Libra.. ..she's gorgeous

beauties on board

the 'moms' and our wards

 Phuket:  pic courtesy of Nick Toidis

pics above and below: courtesy of Nick T

Group photo at Phuket before we 'attacked' the shopping mall..

beautiful Debbie, my roomie, my 'girl'.. the lounge with Imma and Dedie, our girls with the singer/pianist, a handsome Filipino, who had an amazing  voice..I could listen to him forever..

above: no, these dancers were not part of us..

the beauties....

the beauties and the beast..LOL

.. still feeling the effects of the sea..not all the time but at some odd times.  Gosh, I need a holiday after the holiday. Luckily it is weekend now so am reveling in this free time. 
Arrived home almost midnite on 4th September.  After sleepless nites on board the SuperStar Libra, I literally slept in the plane all the way from Penang to KL and then to KK.

On 31st August as Malaysia celebrated 56 years of Independence,  we 35 of us from KK boarded the plane bound for Penang where we were to board the Star Cruise Libra the following day. We stayed a night in Penang and we took the opportunity to sample some the delicious food.  

The following day, a bus transported us to the jetty and there were ohhss and ahhs at our first close encounter with the beautiful ship. After all the formalities of immigration and all, we finally stepped into the ship and to our respective cabin, a twin bed with a lovely view. We did some survey on the ship and was also informed of the program for the next 3 days. The first day, we were entertained with shows and later all were invited to party at the Sailing-Away Party with music and dances and then there's the various arrays of food! Later during the night, a sumptuous supper was also available. 

The following day, the ship docked in Phuket where we disembarked and did some exploring and shopping of course, of the amazing place.  It was hard to imagine that this place was hit by a tragedy of the tsunami on December 26, in 2004 that incurred a great deal of destruction to the waterfront of  the beach and killed many people. Patong was one of the worst affected areas of Phuket. Amazingly, it looked like Patong has recovered from the tragedy as no trace of the effects, at least physically,  was evident.  We headed back to the ship at around 6 pm though some opted to stay until 10 pm. 

Patong Beach
taken from a moving bus

At 1.00 am, the ship sailed for Krabi. We disembarked the following morning but as the ship could not dock near the shore, passengers had to be transported by a large ferry.  We spied many beautiful islands along the way such as the famed The Phi Phi Islands which are the best known of the Andaman Islands.  Which reminded me that the movie "The Beach"  was filmed there.  No wonder that it gained so much exposure and opened up as one of the world's most desired holiday destinations!   Option to follow a tour of the islands was available too at a price of course. But we say, naahh, we wanna explore the inland instead, the beautiful Ao Nang beach and the shops that stretched for miles. 

The beautiful day was spent just exploring,  shopping and I heard one of the ladies wanted a massage to ease her tired shoulders and feet. I echoed her intention and before we knew it, we were ushered into a lovely spa... ahh an aromatheraphy massage for me and I slumbered into the expert hands of an able lady masseuse with some lovely music in the background, I was quite sure in made me snore into dreamland for a while hahaha.. I had never felt so relaxed before and it made me forget all my cares for a while..pure bliss!  All too soon, it was time to go back to the ship but before that we managed to sample some of the delicious food.. what else if not their tom yam.

Anyway, all those are memories now.. and now am back to reality.. 


  1. dearest Angie, amboi bestnya dia di lambung ombak di lautan biru, berbumbungkan langit er...mana you tk nmpak pun dlm gambar? or u dh di larikan mat Salleh yg ramai di pantai tu..? he he.Msti u happy kan? I mean the shopping part la..berapa beg you serang kat supermarket tu ?
    anyway hope to see more photos yg cantik2.yg pasti you enjoy yrself..kan?

  2. hi gorgeous IM, i dah balik a few days ago.. on the 5th actually but only managed to upload some photos now. I still feel macam dalam kapal laut sometimes..macam tak stabil hahaha..nasib baik I tak mabuk laut. Tapi I mabuk nak shopping, rasa macam tak cukup masa hahaha...But barang in this supermarket is damn expensive so we went to a place called Bangla Road, also in Phuket where the gerai and shops stretched forever and prices were quite reasonable but need to know how to bargain.

    Anyway, we all had a wonderful time. Dalam kapal pula, asyik makan, makan dan makan lagi. Haiish....rasa berat badan dah naik berkilo kilo....sob sob.. Oh ya, I tak sunburnt but I am badly hands especially..:(.

    Ehh, I ada lah dalam gambar ni. the first pic and a couple others.. lagi pun i jadi camerawoman tu lah tak banyak gambar i..:).

    1. Hi Flawless, ni baru nmpak you banyak.ystrday I ni comment awai sngat.belum sempat you tulis apa lagi. well nmpak mcm a lost girl looking for her heartthrob alone on the beach he he.yes nmpak bahagian lengan tu tanned,kalau I yg pi balik nampak gigi saja..anak murid pun tak kenai, ingat negro mana sesat pi sekolah depa..he he.
      betul, barang disana mahal.di Hadyai pun kalau pi suprmarket semua mahal gila.sebab tu pi dkat deretan kedai tepi jalan lagi murah.kena bargain teruk sikit baru dpt.
      Lepas ni jenuh la siang malam u kena letak cream to care for the tanned parts.You know wat I did kalau kulit trlalu kering lepas sukan sekolah.I letak cream banyak2 then I put on my handsocks.pakai malam masa tidur.tiap2 malam sampai kulit jadi soft and back to normal.I did the same to my feet.letak cream brlambak,massage then pakai stokin sebelum lama. 3,4 nights dah ok..
      nmpak macam dalam pantang he he.tapi result dia hmmmmmm.nak cntik punya pasai..

  3. Hi IM, aww thanks so much for the tips nak lembutkan kulit. For sure malam ni akan i letak banyak lotion. I memang letak lotion pun tapi tak pakai handsocks or socks. Patutlah macam tak berkesan je. Dah lah tidur ngan aircon. kulit bertambahlah kering kontang mcam nenek kebayan heee..

    Arhaha.. the gambar ye lah macam lost girl or lonely girl kehilangan or looking for her hearthrob hahaha.. I like the pics, cos look so natural. Entah brapa banyak shot yang I ambik, mostly macam too exposed and some facial features memang teruk cos of the bright sun. Even with the hat, still can feel the heat. Kejap only we on the beach pun i terasa bahang matahari yang teramat sangat... Tapi syukur lah tak hujan waktu tu, else takde lah gambar cantik macam ni..hehe..(suka lah tu)..

  4. My eyes should be in trouble.

    I see no beast.

  5. Hahaha....Oh rainfield61, why are you looking for the beast when they are so many beauties around..hahaha..

  6. Vavavommm..semuanya menarik dalam gambar ni Angie...mesti syiok kan? terumbang ambing dipukul ombak masa dalam kapal, tu pasal yang masih terasa2 walaupun sudah berada di darat tu hehehe..

  7. helloooo Azwa, haha.. tu lah kadang2 macam bingung2 ni. Heran, masa tu tidak berapa terasa. Sekarang every now and then macam ada rasa terumbang ambing pula..deiii. But yeah, we had fun lah kunu. Tapi now my tangan soo gelap. Anyway, a small price to pay for a fantastic experience hehe.. Take care dear..

  8. You guys surely are enjoying your time cruising. Great photos, too!

    Shud try this out sometime

  9. Floyd, yes we had a great time. Heard the ship will sail to KK in November.
    Perhaps can try then.. :)

  10. Hi Angie, wah..cruising sure very shiok! Excellent photos, all very well taken. Look like you really enjoyed yourself to the bit. :))I presume the food they serve 5 times a day are awesome. So any luck in the casino or what about the one arm bandit?

    Have a lovely day ahead,regards.

  11. Hi Amelia, gosh I have been pretty busy the last few days. Only managed to take some breaths now LOL. I was involved in the 50th Malaysia Day Golden Jubilee celebration in Sabah on 16th Sept. and rehearsals began days before that event..phew... Even the cruise seems like a long time ago..haha.
    But yes, I did have fun. Oh yes lots of food too with few restaurants to choose from haha. I did not try the casino though. I watched my friends play but was not enticed. Several of my friends lost lots of money..oh well.. am sure they are familiar with the name of the game LOL.

    Have a lovely day to you too dear..

  12. Wow nice cruise hope you had a lovely time with so many friends around and great to visit

  13. Hi Bananaz, oh yes I had a great time. Thanks :).

    You must try it one day and it is better if shared with great company...hehe.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...