Thursday, September 26, 2013

I ASK .. BUT WHY?........

"Angie, can you come and see me?"  I was like..huh?... "Oh of course"  I said quickly, my heart beating so fast and so hard.. Gosh, he has never called me before.  ..I walked out to the road.. a short distance to his office.  How many times have I walked this way before... and I have never failed to admire the beautiful landscape...  Gosh, even the dragon fruits that the boys planted .. I noticed... I saw some have ripened..lovely colours too...hmmm.... dare I ask for some?  But this time, I saw none of vision blurred by my nervousness.

I remembered the first time I walked that little road.. I was visiting.. a brother who was ill and he had been quarantined, secluded in the staff quarters .. I heard it was the doctor's order.. But I went to visit anyway, just to see how he was.  When I arrived, he greeted me. I offered my hand, but he just smiled... and gave me a mask instead. I smiled and say no need for that and so he sat far away from me. We chit chatted for a while .. I asked about his illness.. I liked his positive attitude. I guess, some people are that strong. He said he was waiting for the final results but if the doctors find something, he said he was ok with it, he was ready for any eventualities. But then again, it is treatable after all.. if found at early stage. "There are many out there who are worst off than me, so I am fine."  I left feeling happy that he was positive about it.  "Pray for me" he said.. I smiled, nodded and waved as I walked away. 

But what of now? No, this call was different... sounded urgent and from someone whom I've hardly communicated more than just a good morning.  He, the boss of my boss.. His office was near the quarters.  He was outside saw me walking from a distance and called out.."It is raining and windy, I thought you'd drive, also your umbrella is too big."  I laughed.. because my umbrella was actually very small.  "It's ok Brother.. it is not that far and the rain is not that hard.. only a little windy." I responded still walking.... but only God knows how many deep breaths I have calm my nerves. "Never mind, I have a bigger umbrella for you should it rain harder" he said.   He invited me to his office. His assistant was there.. a lovely matured lady.  

Then they dropped the bomb....."Please sit down. We just want to talk  to you about what you think about the whole situation."  I was thinking... gosh I must be soo stupid, what could he be talking about.  I blinked and gave them a blank look...he continued "it has been a week now since he submitted his resignation"... Who? My boss? My boss resigning??   My face must have looked  so drained...."What??... Oh my goodness, really!!!???"  "Oh I thought you knew", they both said. I said no, he did not say anything to me...."Why? But why?"  I whispered.... yes, why indeed.... I guess he has his reasons for taking that drastic step and also for not telling me. Gosh, we were just discussing about the Budget for next year just this morning.

I walked back to my office and noticed he wasn't in his office. I wanted to call him to tell him I knew then decided to text him instead....and told him  xxxxx just dropped a bomb on me.. I am sorry you are making this decision.. I guess you have your reasons....still... "    I could feel his sigh in his text reply which simply said   "That's life.."


  1. there must be a vry gd, and strong reason why suddnly he thought of resigning..has smthng happened recently that u didnt knw of, or smthng that really broke him to pieces? sure u msti puzzled kan? I hope he resigned with acceptable reasons...worry jugak kan? entah2 apa2 jadi that made him made that decision?....pray for the best.

  2. thank you dear IM. Yes, I did confront him this morning. At first he was trying to avoid was rather amusing how I tried to catch him in him office haha.. he was pretending to be busy in his laptop.. I barged in anyway... I stood in front of his desk without saying anything.. just waited for his response. He looked up and pretended..'huh, yes?" Amidst my sadness, I mampu lagi tersengih... .haha.. and as I sat, he explained..I listened, and just nodded but I faham his reasons..I guess in every organisation, there's bound to be clashes of opinion on systems, policies, personalities, not with me, but with fellow top guns... .Oh well....

  3. This is life, and a part of our working life.

    That is full of "bombs", and bullets.

  4. indeed rainfield... I am clueless now.. what next? Pray everything will turn out for the better..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...