Wednesday, July 31, 2013


By tomorrow (that is if I wake up..LOL), I would have completed a month of working in this new workplace. Gosh, how time flies and I felt it was only yesterday that I anxiously reported for my first day of work, yet I also felt like I've been here forever.

I still recall, a day before that early morn,  I received a text message from Fane.  "Hi Angie, just to inform you. Tomorrow is General Assembly. All staff must be at the open hall by 7.45am. Don't be late else u kena nyanyi Negara Ku ..wakakakah.. Be early so that you won't be out of breath. You might need to give a speech so be prepared."  I answered.." Ahahaha thanks for that info. Adoii speech? Die lah! wakakakaah.."

My first day of work - I woke up early. I had already chosen my dress the night before. I added in a scarf and tie it in front..put on a little make up..hehehe.. didn't want to shock them. I arrived early and I went inside the office. The girls there told me about the assembly which was at the open hall below our office. I followed the ladies down the stair case  Then I saw hundreds of students all boys in their uniforms. I followed the ladies to a few seats presumably for staff near the stage. I tried to look around to see if Fane was there, but couldn't find her.  The Director (my boss saw me) waved to me to sit in front.. I was like "eek..why lah I have to sit in front." I hesitated and one of the ladies motioned me again to go there ...I noted I was the only lady seated there with a few gentlemen. Then it dawned on me,  perhaps because it was my first day and that I would be introduced and called up to the stage.  I was sweating cold ..haha..  We sang National Anthem, the State Anthem and the Institute's anthem.  Later, the Director went up, greeted everyone, made some speeches and introduced me to everyone. I stood up looked behind the hundreds of people and I gave my sweetest smile and waved.  I waited for the Director thinking he might asked me to go up the stage now.. No, he didn't...phewww.  Arghhh,   Fane, I am going to kill you hahaha...such a fright. you gave me.

The General Assembly done, all the staff went to their respective office and I was shown to a room which was to be my office. It was a nice room facing east and greeted by the bright morning sun,  but oh what a hideous curtain hahaha.. well not really bad, but it was quite old, faded but it shaded the room from the morning sun very well.. My first impression was, geez that curtain needed a wash hahaha.. The Director came in to welcome me and seemingly read my mind and said, "you may change the curtains. They have been here forever."


after.. :)

Well, I survived my first day.. not too bad.  The days as if in a haze. There were so many meetings to attend and so many briefings and so much to learn, so many faces to remember.  Oh by the way, I did request to change the curtains, but instead of curtains, I changed to blinds.. light green.. very sweet colour.  I brought in a couple of small indoor plants for a more refreshing look for the office, I changed the position of the desk and viola I was home.    Oh ya, bye bye hot morning sun...

Till my next post..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...