Monday, April 2, 2012


..April 1st, was my niece's birthday and her mum (my sister) wanted to surprise her by inviting us, her sibling's families to celebrate that occasion with them at the Kiram's Village, a lovely mountain resort situated in Kundasang, an almost 2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu.

The plan was we'd travel on March 31st, to stay overnight and that all of us were supposed to arrive first and my niece and her friends would arrive later in the late afternoon. We imagined that when she and her friends arrived, she would be so surprise and would burst into tears at seeing so many of us celebrating her birthday!! hahaha..

We did arrive first and later when my niece and her friends arrived,  what we envisaged would happen never did.  She was smiling sheepishly and hugged everyone. What!, tears of suprise!???  We asked her, why? why? why.. are you not suprised!!!??  

Apparently, her mother (my sister) was not good at planning surprises hahaha...sorry sis.  She inadvertantly let a looot of cats out of the bag during planning time..hahaha.  But we had a lot of fun, enjoying the cold mountain air, spectacular sceneries, of course of the majestic Mount Kinabalu and beautiful but smelly cows!  No, this is not an April Fool's joke hahaha..

My lovely niece, the birthday girl in red scarf, her sister in blue blouse and friends..visiting Desa Cattle.. (siuated a distance away from where we stayed).

 ..a view of the mountain from where we stayed.. Gosh, the nights here are cold!

 .. ahh.. majestic Mount Kinabalu. Seen below are vegetable farms. The vegetables are exported to nearby countries as well as for local consumption. The vegetables thrive very well in this cool mountain climate.

..visited the Desa Cattle Farm.. and we had a smell, I mean a swell time...

Yellow Daffodils?.. to diffuse the smell...hehehe

My lovely daughter, Amanda (left) and friend. No, they were not part of our group.
Met them on the way. They were there for a video shoot for their album, their maiden single...but that is another story..


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...