Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Christmas Day came and it went. Then came the new year and now the upcoming Chinese New Year.  It won't be long before the first month of this brand new year  2017 is over. Feels like it is going by like a lightning speed…and umur also meningkat so fast ..haha

Reflecting on the past year,  I had some terrific times and some challenging ones. But who doesn't, for how can one appreciate the good times if one did not experience the bad times, right.  Those are part and parcel of life.. uisehh.. suddenly feeling philosophical ni.  
 But how does one know if it was good or not. Sometimes we have the tendency to focus on the bad sides but forget to remember the positive or good times.  To reflect, I prefer to focus on those things that I am thankful for. It could be a small thing - a meeting of old friends or classmates or even a snap of some lovely and unique moments with my hp camera.

I have a lot to be thankful for really. I have my family, my extended families, relatives, friends and I made some new terrific friends.  I've travelled to a few places. All these I attribute to blessings from God.

Happy Chinese New Year, may the year of the rooster brings love, goodwill, prosperity, good health and peace to all. Kong Hee Fatt Choy..


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...