Saturday, January 31, 2009


It seems like only yesterday that my eldest child left home for further studies. We encouraged her leaving then like most parents, proud of her courage that at the age of 18, for the first time, leaving the comfort of home and going to a place unknown. As parents, her leaving was not without the accompaniment of stress and worry. Can she look after herself? I remembered missing her so much, I cried for days and I would go to her room, touch and smell her clothes, slept in her bed. And in those moments, I was glad and thankful that I still had my 2 younger kids at home. Upon completion of her study, she came home but only for a couple of months when she had to leave again for a job away from home. In a way she never really came home except for the occasional short holiday visits.

When my second child’s turn came, the stress was the same but it wasn’t as bad this time as I had already experienced it. Also because he is a boy and a son needed to leave home to be toughened in preparation for life’s journey. And recently, my youngest child has indicated that she too would like to further her studies at the college which is again away from home. It is like dejavu, and it has the same effect as when her sister and brother left home years before. I know I should not let my concerns impede her departure. She should leave in peace and I know that her leaving is for the preparations for life’s lesson for her future. It is hard to watch her striking out on her own journey in life, ‘cos as the youngest, I always feel like she is still my baby.

The day is yet to come but if it does, then in the final few months we have together, I will not nag her about the stupid unwashed dishes, her unkempt room etc etc. ‘cos I know I will miss her dreadfully, even her moodiness, her surliness and her impatience with me sometimes, and I do know that she will miss home too…


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...