Monday, December 10, 2012


I was out window shopping with a friend the other day and we got to talking about the numerous Christmas decor that are now displayed at all the shopping malls. "But I don't like Christmas" she said. I was like, hey did I hear you right? "What? Did you say you DON'T like Christmas?" I asked in disbelief.. hahaha... 'cos who doesn't like Christmas? Or even if they do not like it, they would not go around proclaiming they don't right? She repeated "Yup, I DON'T like Christmas."  

 "Scrooge!" I said laughing. We both laughed.  "Now don't get me wrong. I like what it stands for.. the Advent, the birth of Christ our Lord.  Just that Christmas season reminds me of a tragic incident that happened around this time years ago." She said.  "Oh..I am sorry, I get what you mean, I feel you." I said.   She did not elaborate and I did not push on. It must have been a real painful episode of her life.  For how many of us have experienced tragic circumstances during festive season. Whatever it is, everything happens for a reason and that the Lord works in mysterious ways.  If He put you to it, He will put you through it.   

I too have yet to feel the elusive Christmas spirit, but am in my own small way participating in the Gaya Street Christmas Carnival and will be selling my hand made Fashion Jewellery for charity from 10th to 13th December 2012 from 7.00pm onwards. I will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Sabah AIDS Support Association (KASIH)  More info on KASIH :

So if you are in KK and looking for gift ideas for Christmas, do drop by.  Come and rejoice with the people of Kota Kinabalu as fun-filled events take place. Wouldn't it be fun to stroll under twinkling fairy lights and browsing through hawker stalls selling Christmas goodies? :)

Meanwhile, I love this meaningful  Christmas Song by Mariah Carey... 
"Miss You Most At Christmas Time" .   

Cheers. :)

The fire is burning 
The room's all aglow 
Outside the December wind blows 
Away in the distance the carolers sing in the snow 
Everybody's laughing 
The world is celebrating 
And everyone's so happy 
Except for me tonight 

Because I miss you 
Most at Christmas time 
And I can't get you 
Get you off my mind 
Every other season comes along 
And I'm all right 
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time 

I gaze out the window 
This cold winter's night 
At all of the twinkling lights 
Alone in the darkness 
Remembering when you were mine 
Everybody's smiling 
The whole world is rejoicing 
And everyone's embracing 
Except for you and I 

Baby I miss you 
Most at Christmas time 
And I can't get you 
Get you off my mind 
Every other season comes along 
And I'm all right 
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time 

In the springtime those memories start to fade 
With the April rain 
Through the summer days 
Till autumn's leaves are gone 
I get by without you 
Till the snow begins to fall 

And then I miss you 
Most at Christmas time 
And I can't get you 
Get you off my mind 
Every other season comes along 
And I'm all right... 
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...