Friday, January 24, 2014

In the Eyes of UNK Judge

I was invited to judge at one of the district's UNK competition

And the Winner is...

Sometimes we wonder how the Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan (UNK) judges choose the UNK winner. Why sometimes those beautiful ones fail to make it to the top 15 whilst those not so beautiful even make it to the top 7. One thing for sure is that the judges would usually have a tough time because beauty is such a personal thing and as the saying goes' one man's food is another man's poison' or 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'.

Therefore, the appointment of judge for UNK competition or any beauty pageant for that matter, should be given a lot of thought. He or she should be someone known to have integrity, have some social standing in society or someone knowledgeable, experienced or involved in aesthetics beauty. And if it involved traditional costumes, then at least one judge should be knowledgeable on the tradtional costumes. The Unduk Ngadau symbolises the mythical 'Huminodun' who was supposed to possess not only beauty that anyone who gazes at her lovely counternance would be transfixed, but who was also kindhearted, blessed with wisdom beyond her years, someone with great courage and was willing to be sacrificed so as to save the starving mankind once upon a time.

This of course is quite unrealistic now but it should at least help or guide a judge when it comes to choosing a UNK winner. To know whether the UNK candidate is kindhearted or otherwise would be quite impossible to tell at short notice. That is why, the lady endowed with most pleasant counternance and physique in the eyes of a UNK judge usually wins.


  1. hi angeline, good post here.
    (apart frm what u mentioned) i suggest that
    1)no. of judges should not be less than 7. Ten wud be best.
    2) instantaneous voting by judge, prefferably with electronic gadget/pad. Not an afterthought voting upon weighing here and there.

    the number of votes should make up for some differences in opinion by the judges.

  2. Hi de Enginuer, thanks for the suggestions and will give that a thought.Normally the State Level competition would have 6 judges. For this year, Mimos Bhd actually availed to us the judging system which is quite high tech(similar to what you suggested).

  3. Hi Angie,is it true that height is a very important thing in determine an UN winner?

  4. Ivy, no, height is not important 'cos we do not know how tall was Huminodun ..:-). But I guess they have to have some acceptable height lah. Otherwise, kesian also the unduk if she is too short. In the previous years, I understand that there were unduk ngadau who were about 5'2". Nowadays, it looks like most of the 'unduks' chosen are tall, not because it is compulsory to be tall but I guess the tall ones simply look better in the eyes of the judges.

  5. Hi Angie,nice to have your reply.Well,I guess I need to forgo this competition cuz I think I'm not qualified yet.I'm only 5'1 tall.So,the only thing I can do is,just dream on.:P

  6. Hi Ivy, hahaha.. well not everybody has to be Unduk Ngadau to be beautiful...we are beautiful in our own way...

  7. Well,ya Angie..but it is good to know the feeling of "been there,done that"..:D..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...