Saturday, October 26, 2013


In loving memory....of 

Mother, just a few months before she went home to the Lord..

Mother at around 19 or 20..
What a lovely dress..

..the yellow exora.. Mother's fav flower.  

 If  the Yellow Exora grow in Heaven Lord
Then pick a bunch for us
 Then place them in our mother’s arms
And tell her they’re from us
Tell her that we love and miss her
And when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek and
Hold her for awhile..
Till we meet again someday
We will hold on to the memories..

''purr miaw... I want that fish'  Kitty seems to say. Nobody  is listening

This sight reminds me of my Mom.. She simply loved the weekly market or we call it 'Tamu'.  Here she gets to meet friends and share gossips while chewing the sireh leaves with the necessary 'ingredients'.


  1. Mother, she is the lighthouse in the sea.

  2. Dearest Angie, nothing can beat the unconditional love of a mother.When we too become mothers baru kita tau..we are willing to sacrifice anything for the well being of our kids..moga2 they in return will love us just the same..bila tengok fashion org dulu2 depa pun fashionable jugak kan? cuma zaman tu macam itu and zaman kita macam ni..idea look beautiful , modern and at the same time so ladylike..
    jgn sedih kawan,have gd day.Hu Hu tmorrow is Monday dah..kerja kerja kerja..

    1. Hi dear IM, nah baru sekarang sempat buka blog yang dah ber cobweb ni. Maklum lah busy semacam sehari dua ni.. weekend pun ada kerja..only malam ada free sikit.. tapi dah berturut 3 nights ni ada dinner.. birthday lah, memorial for my late mom, thanksgiving.. dan lain2 lagi.
      Yes agree with you.. only when we become mothers ourselves then we know how deep and unconditional mother's love is towards their children. Mothers rela tak makan, but anak2 mesti cukup kan...and if anak sakit, how we wish the penyakit tu pindah kat kita.... Yes, hopefully, when we grow too old and do not look as pretty as now, they would still love and care for us.. The dress my mom use is so pretty kan and fashion pun macam tak lari sangat from some of the dresses that are worn nowadays. But I smile at her hair and that pretty flower hehehe.. so sweet. My mom went 10 years ago and eventhough we still miss her, the pain of losing her gets better in time. Unlike a few years back, we cannot mention her without tearing up.

      Have a lovely week ahead dear, and take care not stress yourself too much ya.. :)

  3. Hi Angie, how you doing? Your late mum look like a very nice lady, like mother like daughter ya? I think every mother will give unconditional love to their children and they do everything to scarified for their children. Very few mother will abandon their own children unless due circumstances. But there are some very cold blooded mother too who kill or abandon their own children. That's very sad when we read this kind of news.

    Anyway best to keep our self healthy without health glitched, so need not have to burden our family.

    Stay young and sweet always. Cheers.

  4. Hi dear Amelia, I am very well that you and I hope you are too. Thanks for that lovely compliments too.
    Yes, lets take care of health and God willing we will not give too much problems to our kids when it is time for us to go.
    I know what you mean about some mothers being cruel to their own children. Gosh some are even worst than animals. Those are not fit to be mothers in the first place though there are those who will abandon due to unavoidable circumstances..

    Thanks for dropping by dear friend..and have a lovely holiday..
    stay beautiful always..

  5. Hi Angie, drop by to say hello. Thanks for your lovely compliments and kind wishes. A big hugs to you.

    Have a wonderful day, regards.

  6. Hi dear Amelia
    Thanks for dropping by. Was so happy to read your lovely amazing experience. Thanks to our our dear friend from up north who alerted me hehe... See ya at his 'party'..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...