Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Wasn’t doing much last Sunday so decided to go downtown to the Sunday Gaya Street Fair.  Formerly known as Bond Street, it is one of the main streets of Kota Kinabalu.  Situated in the older part of Kota Kinabalu , it is here where one can find a concentration of banks, other commercial and business offices, legal offices, smaller hotels, backpackers lodgings, traditional type of shops and restaurants. Many of these shops have been in existence for many years and some are family businesses that have been passed down from generations to generations. Some of the shops had undergone some major uplifts in recent years.

Pic courtesy of 

Come every Sunday, this street is closed to make way for the mega fair from, 6.30 am to 1.00 pm and transformed into a busy and crowded place as if there's a big party!  With bargain hunters,  shoppers some of whom come with their entire families, you can even find grannies being wheeled by their grandchildren, so much so that it can get a bit tricky to maneuver with your camera without being knocked, blocked or pushed.  Nevertheless, it is not a deterrent factor and I found many photographers armed with their expensive cameras looking for interesting bits and pieces to shoot.

Lol.. yeah,  I do have a sense of humour...

A community group of ukulele lovers comprising mostly youths, calling themselves the
Orkes Akiuku, performing at the fair, doing their bits for society,
spreading the HIV/Aids Awareness in conjunction with the World Aid's Day 2011

this pup cost about RM1,650.00

It is also a popular destination for foreign and local tourists to shop for souvenirs such as local  handicrafts. One can also find, antiques, home cooked food, cookies, small plants and lots more.  Looking for pets? Yes, head for the Sunday fair.  There you can find guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, cats, dogs. Be prepared to apply your haggling flair as prices of some of the animals can be a bit steep.  A young pedigree pup can sometimes cost up to RM1,500.00 and above and  a Persian kitten, at RM2,000.00!

the ugliest thing I've ever seen.. a real frog skin, treated and made into a bag..

local handicrafts

popular tourist destination

So if you find yourself in Kota Kinabalu on Sunday morning with nothing to do, head for the fair and join in the crowd!


Thursday, December 8, 2011


I must be nuts. I am now addicted to Anita's Prediction. Yes, that is Facebook's own clairvoyant or fortune teller hehehe. There's something fascinating about being told of one's own future. I do know that it is something one shouldn't take seriously, but hey what the heck. This is a game after all.  Well, mine today read as:

the beautiful Mount Kinabalu, taken from a moving car..

"Angie honey, tired of the view? It's time to explore what's out there. Hop on the bus, catch a train, go for a bike ride - no matter what, don't stay in the same place. A change of venue does wonders for your spirits and your love life."

What! As if it knows I am going on trip, well ok, it is not confirmed but as Anita's recommendation seems to affirm it,  perhaps there's a chance.

You see, this coming Saturday, 10 Dec. 2011, my sister and I  are supposed to go to Ranau for the durian fiesta!  This fiesta is held every year, and this time 8 to 10 December 2011. Now, the tricky part is, we need a driver.. my hubby but he has not said yes, so it's sort of hanging somewhere uhuuu.

Nothwitstanding, wish us a safe trip.. if jadi lah. Going up that Crocker Range and looking at the spectacular views, to be seemingly up close and personal with Mt Kinabalu, cool temperate climate - what could be more refreshing! The almost 3 hours drive on that long and winding road to Ranau can be quite tricky though,  as usually there will be many huge trucks ferrying their goods to the east coast of Sabah, to towns like Sandakan, Tawau, Lahad Datu.  So, it can be quite testing at times, especially for impatient drivers, finding themselves reduced to a snail-like speed,  trailing behind these huge trucks laden with goods, gas tanks, even cars!

To all those taking a trip to Ranau, be patient, overtake only when road is absolutely clear. Have a safe trip..


Sunday, November 20, 2011


I was waiting patiently for someone who was running a bit late and getting impatient by the minute but comforting myself that everything happens for a reason... what else can one do then except wait and watch precious minutes go by. The alternative of course is to just get up and leave which I almost did.

But Mr Butterfly (or Miss Butterfly) came along and was flying around me, giving me that come hither look, challenging me and taking my attention away from boredom and seemingly saying, "Hey, look at me, I am gorgeous!"  "Show off", I muttered and ignored it. It kept coming back and I felt honoured and flattered that it thinks that I am worth getting attention from I took the bait and clumsily took out my camera and shot it. As if it knew it now had my attention, Mr Butterfly perched on a cluster of yellow flowers, flapping its wings and showing off its spectacular colours!

Using my zoom lens, I took several shots, but my skills in getting the camera's mode like setting the Aperture, Shutter Speed  and ISO right is very much lacking, and so I couldn't get the desired shot.  Still, I managed to play around with the settings. These are 2 of my best shots and I am rather pleased with them. 

Oh well, I shall treat this as my learning process. So thank you Mr Butterfly. Yes, everything happens for a reason, you helped me learn something. 

As if saying, "it's my pleasure", it flapped its wings and came near me and disappeared, most probably on the lookout for its next 'victim' in need of help, leaving me a little forlorn...
Goodbye Mr Butterfly and thank you once again....

My current header shows Mr Butterfly (or Miss) showing its side and a little frontal part seemingly saying "see I am beautiful"...


Saturday, October 8, 2011

the living toy...Poko

Poko being introduced to Utt Utt, the guinea pig.

4-month old, Poko

Poko only allowed in some parts of the house - bedrooms are a no no...

When I was growing up, dogs and cats have always been part of our family So much so that, I've always taken them for granted. Sure, we feed them, we give them cute names, but thats it, they are just cats and dogs. We did not mistreat them, but there's none of them petting them or hugging or carrying them unless they are real cute puppies or kittens. There's no bringing them to vets or feeding them with fancy animal food.

Well, the puppy that we now have is certainly a puppy not to be taken for granted. It must be the most attention seeker puppy ever.  Yes, presenting the latest member of the family, Poko, a shih tzu type dog.
We call it a living toy due to its size and adorable face and black brownish bushy hair. So far it has not shown any hair shedding of which I am glad as there is nothing more disdainful than a house full of animal hair.  It is alert, intelligent, happy, friendly though a tad stubborn sometimes.  It is playful and chews everything on sight and we lament at how things around the house are chewed at, so much so that my house slipper does not look like it used to be.  It is affectionate, likes to be petted and would follow me everywhere around the house that it becomes quite a nuisance sometimes. It will lie down near my feet when I am on my PC and as soon as I stand to go somewhere, to the balcony perhaps, it will carry its cuteself and follow and lie on the floor waiting until I move again to another place. Short walkies to the park is a daily affair which it loves.

It has its adorable ways of greeting us whenever we come home, even without seeing the person, just listening to jingle of keys, Poko would have already sense our arrival, wagging its tail vigorously.  Poko has certainly provided laughs and smiles to all  at home..

Sunday, July 10, 2011


He couldn't believe it. This was not happening. He pinched himself, yes it was real. But why? Why was she going, what has he done?

They were sitting in the room. He asked her softly on the verge of tears. She bowed her head. He asked her, "So you have made up your mind? You really want to go? She nodded silently. He was confused. What has he done, or rather what has he not done. "What about the kids, if you can't stay for me, can't you at least think about the kids?" He was playing his last card. "I have made up my mind, I am not happy with you anymore. I have to find myself. I will come back for the kids when I have settled down," she whispered.

Jon and Edith have been married for 8 years. When they got married, everyone thought they were a perfect match. Edith was gorgeous and Jon strikingly handsome. They were so much in love or so it seemed. After a year into their marriage, a beautiful baby boy was born. In the fifth year, another baby, a girl was born. The family was complete. He thought he had everything, a beautiful wife, 2 lovely kids, a comfortable home. What more could he want. During the 8 years into their marriage, they never fought. Sure there were small tiffs here and there, but nothing serious. In the early years, Edith always made sure she spend the time with the kids during her free time. Lately, she was always doing something like direct selling meetings and outstations. He always give in to her every needs and he never questioned when she comes back late at night or when she suddenly have to go away for a weekend. He never suspected anything and trusted her implicitly. He also never suspected when she was always on her mobile, SMSing, sometimes talking softly. She would always tell him that the call was from a friend and they were talking about their direct-selling business. Yes he trusted her. He never saw it coming.

Was it his fault? His fault for giving in too much to her? He kept on thinking what had gone wrong? His heart was being shredded and yet he couldn't shout or get angry. Jon was in denial, still thinking it was not happening and perhaps it was just a bad dream.

He saw her packed and he left the room. Before that, he told her that she would have to tell the kids herself. He had tried his best, he begged her to think about it. He asked her, who is the man? Does he know him? She remained silent. He went out to the backyard. There he sat on the garden chair, looking at the beautifully landscaped small garden of roses, daisies, lilies, shrubs of herbs that she planted, the cotton candy clouds, the soft gentle breeze, the blackbirds, butterflies. Everything seemed normal. Don't they know he was dying inside?

After a while, he heard her calling him softly, telling him goodbye. He didn't turn. He heard the children cry and the nanny comforting them. He heard the car being driven from their driveway. She had left, she really left. Still he couldn't believe it. He turned to the direction of the driveway, he saw the tail light of her car, it stopped for a moment, then it moved and disappeared. His world has crashed. Then the floodgates of emotion shooked him. He was devastated, he felt cold and hot and then he began to sob. He cried for hours until he couldn't cry anymore. He couldn't remember how long he sat there. It was dark, and when he looked up to the west, to see the last ray of sunset, he gave a deep sigh and put a closure to the event. He heard his little girl calling and running out to him "daddy, daddy" with her outstretched hands. He got up knelt down and scooped the 3-year old, his precious daughter. His son was standing near the door, smiling and Jon felt, he has his world right here, with his beloved kids..and no one can take them away from him, not even their mother...

Rungus Longhouse Experience

Leonie (in Rungus traditional attire) trying out the ladder.

Dinner is served...

Leonie (2nd from left) doing the Rungus dance (can't remember the name)

Rice wrapped in leaves

The Gang

(a continuation of my earlier post "What a Weekend")
I have somewhat recovered from the tiring weekend events. Travelling is fun as we get to see and experience places not seen before, especially living in the longhouse. We stayed in one of the Rungus longhouses in Kudat, a homestay actually. I grew up in a kampong, so living without modern luxuries is really not strange to me. However, this experience was really different. The experience of living with bare basic amenities and somewhat primitive, really make me appreciate what I have now.... and the 'spoilt baby' in me is really thankful that I don't have to live there for long periods....:p. The absence of basic amenities is I think done deliberately to preserve the authenticity of the Rungus traditional way of life during the yesteryears. To me, prime importance is cleanliness and thank goodness it was quite clean. The view from the longhouse was spectacular, of hill padi, fish ponds and greens trees - cool clean air - so refreshing! The longhouse is made out from traditional materials of split bamboo and what looks like tree barks. The rooms were furnished with a mattress, pillows, bed sheets and mosquito nets. Light was powered by a generator which was switched-off at 1am.

The house seemed like it had not been lived-in for a while though - so the creepy crawlies were inevitable and that put me off. Imagine sleeping and suddenly finding scorpions or spiders or other bugs sleeping with you! So we resorted to sleeping in the hall, and then I discovered, there wasn't any door. So we were like sleeping in the open…lol. Thank goodness, the ladder was made out from a tree with cuttings on that served as steps and so no fear of wild animals coming in (but what about humans?). The bathroom cum toilet were way out and there wasn't any proper lights. The torch light wasn’t enough to warn me off the giant ants whose bites felt like fire! Gosh I thought I'd die of pain! We also had a taste of traditional food like rice wrapped in leaves…(ok will show you pictures). It was a humbling experience and what strikes me most is that the people are so welcoming and hospitable. Thank you folks… we’ll visit again.

Monday, April 11, 2011

.. and so Life Goes on..

Received a text message from my sister at I would think, an ungodly hour at 6am on Saturday morning.  Oh well, I was about to get up anyway, but 'ouch', a splitting headache. Must have been because of a late night, watching some reality shows that ended around midnight and later, the nice warm bed failed to induce sleep to my tired mind and body until I thought I'd go insane.

 But prayers kept my sanity "Lord, grant to me the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other. Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespassed against me, so I can move on with my life" and I added " And keep me safe till morning light, but if should I die before I wake, I pray my Lord my soul to take, and should I live for other days, I pray that God will guide my ways. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen". And so, in the light of dawn, I slept like a baby until I was rudely awaken by the beep beep of my mobile phone. My sister's text message sounded urgent  "D.....(our niece) called and she said that aunt.. is very very sick. So thought of visiting her today say 10-nish?" I texted back, 'Ok, wait for me, will drive to your house and go together".

I am indeed blessed that I am surrounded by my loving family, my siblings and our extended families, good friends. But I certainly do not take the closeness for granted. The action of give and take amongst us is always, a sort of some unspoken understanding. But back to my sister's message. My sister and her husband, another sister, my brother and his wife began the half hour journey and arrived at my niece's dilapidated house where my aunt lived. My aunt is my dad's only sister.

A Typical Kadazan Village House

We found our aunt who was in her mid-80s in bed. According to her grandaughter (my niece) she has been bedridden for quite a while and have been asking for us. The last we saw her was about 6 months ago. She was awake and when she saw us, she looked at my sister and asked  "who are you?"  but when she saw me, she said  "oh and you are ....... you 're here," she called me by my kampong nickname and she cried.  "Inai (Kadazan word for aunty), how are you?" I asked. I was shocked at how small, thin and shrivelled she has become, a shadow of what she used to be. In her younger days, I remembered a petite but fair and beautiful lady. The remnants of her beauty was still evident through her sharp nose and well-shaped chin. Her used to be almond shape eyes are now hollowed and dark.  A choke came to my chest and my tears threatened to fall. I fought it and said "Inai, it's ok, now don't cry, we are here" and she cried harder. "Now, now please don't cry".   "But I want to die. Everyone, all my friends has died, but I'm still here."  "Hush, why do you say that. Don't say that. When God says it's time to go, it will come."  we comforted her for not knowing what else to say. "But I don't want to be a burden." she cried.

As the rest talked to her, my sister whispered, oh, it's so sad. If it is possible to choose, I don't want to grow this old and I nodded and sigh and said,  "me too, if it is possible to choose, I would like to die like mum. She died at 67, but that's up to the One above" my sister nodded and added "but that's a bit too young" and I added rather quickly "ok, but older than that".  Gosh, we were talking about death like going shopping. I told her that when I was young, I used to pray, "Lord let me die at age 65". My sister giggled, 'Hey be careful for what you wished for, it might come true.. that's not too far from now, like half a year left?!!" she exaggerated the joke of course and we both giggled but it helped lighten the sombre moments.  "Hey, that was when I was a child, what did I know,  so "palis palis" (Kadazan word equivalent to "touchwood').  We stayed for an hour with my aunt dozing on and off after which we said our goodbye with words of comfort. And so the visit intensified my thoughts of my own mortality, morbid thoughts but a fact of life.  But for as long as the sun rises, life goes on and I will embrace it,  until the good and merciful God says it's time to come Home....


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...