Tuesday, June 19, 2012


When we received an invitation to have tea with the Sabah Governor's wife, everyone was like.."Really?" and of course the response was 'we are honoured and delighted to accept'. For never in history have the team been invited to Istana Negeri for tea.

The State Level Unduk Ngadau Chairperson, her Deputy and I have been to the Istana Negeri several times in the past for courtesy calls where we would formally extend invitation to the Governor's wife to crown the State Level Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan. But this would be the first time that I get to visit the Istana after the appointment of the new Governor, Tuan Yang Terutama (TYT) Datuk Seri Juhar Mahirrudin which was on 1 January 2011. The previous TYT's term expired on 31 December 2010.

..Mart, our most-abled make-up artist adorned the girls in their finest..

It was a pleasant surprise therefore that a week after the crowning of the new Unduk Ngadau 2012 on 31st May 2012, TYT's wife, Toh Puan Datin Seri Panglima Hjh. Norlidah binti Datuk R.M. Jasni was keen to invite us plus top 3 Unduk Ngadau 2011 and top 7 Unduk Ngadau 2012 for tea at the palace. On the 8 June 2012, we adorned the girls in their finest traditional costumes complete with make-up and hairdo and bundled them in a posh rented MPV to make their grand entrance to the Palace. My team and I decided to use our 'uniform', a modified costume inspired by the traditional costume of the Rungus tribe.

..our 'uniform', a modified traditional costume of the Rungus tribe..

with the regal Toh Puan..  

At precisely 2.00 pm, half an hour before the appointed time, we were ushered by the palace usherettes into the grand hall of the beautiful Palace where we took the opportunity to snap few photographs. Toh Puan came in at 2.30pm and we couldn't take our eyes off her. I knew from photographs taken here and there that she is beautiful but to see her up close and personal was a delight. Not only endowed with classic beauty, she was graceful, regal, soft spoken, humble - to me, an epitome of beauty. When she speaks, her smiling eyes sparkles and her conversation sprinkled with her magnetic smiles.

We were later brought to a large dining hall and treated to a sumptuous hi-tea. I noted with quiet amusement that all of us were in our best behaviour. And why not, we were after all having tea with the 'Queen'...

Our Chairperson (left) and her deputy with Toh Puan


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...