Wednesday, September 30, 2015


." .all my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.."

Well not now actually.. but hopefully soon. Counting the days.

God willing, will fly in say another couple of weeks. When will I be back? Depends on where the wind brings me. Maybe next month, or the month after, or perhaps by Christmas, maybe even next year. Who knows what the future holds. Why am I itching to travel again?  

Well, as age catches up, better do it now when them knees are still not rickety yet and them eyes are still able to focus.  My camera will be my best friend.. and a couple of friends.

I remember when I was young and staying with my grandmother and during weekends, I was supposed to stay home and study or do my homework but whenever she look elsewhere, I would quietly go out to play with my cousins. And stay out the whole day and sometimes stay for meals at their house which was just a couple of houses away actually.  Then later at dusk, I would try to sneak back home and get an earful from grandma which I knew was inevitable. She would scold in her most meanest voice "where have you been, you have wings on your heels, why is it that you never stay put!" But my grandmother, bless her never beat me and I guess I was a little spoilt.  But how could I stay home alone all day doing nothing.  Those ancient days, tv or computers were non existence, at least in my part of the world.  

Google pic.

Books borrowed from friends or the school library were my best friends and I would read all day and night with a small kerosene lamp until the cock crows at dawn.  So when I run out of what to read, I would read my school text books and when I get bored, I would sneak out and play with my cousins in the fields, to the woods, climbing fruit trees and playing tarzan, fishing in river and even helped my cousins watch their buffaloes grazing in the fields. Yeah, we gotta watch them lest they wander off to the paddy fields and grazed on the young paddy plants.  That was an absolute no no. There was once, we were busy playing and did not notice that the buffaloes had wandered into the paddy fields and were happily grazing on the young paddy plants.  My aunt was so angry, we almost didn't get our dinner that night.

Paddy field

Water buffaloes. Google pic.

So back to my yearn for travel, yes my heels are winged.. but will be back home somehow when I get weary from all these.  Where am I going? Wish I am travelling to Europe but I am not. I simply cannot afford it especially now that the ringgit is tumbling down everyday.  Hopefully one day soon though, then I can die peacefully...LOL!


Hint of my destination...

below pics, my sis, behind her is a library and the other a train station. She used to study, work and live there. She holds a PR.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


My mobile phone hanged again. Must be because of the thousands of pictures stored that is taking away most of the memory space.  Not only those taken by me, but also those sent by friends through text messages, Watsapp and so on.  I think I must have about almost 30 group chats with an average of 10 people per group. Imagine if all these friends send in videos or pictures!!

What do you do with all these pictures that are stored in handphone or computer?  Well, delete them of course but I can hardly keep up. Seems like I am forever deleting pictures or videos LOL!  Those favourite ones get to stay and some saved in external drive or pendrive and then.... forgotten! 

I was deleting pictures from my mobile phone the other day, and came across several that took me by surprise haha...some sent by friends and some taken by me.  I have totally forgotten their existence. Not well taken but hey, who's complaining.  It's that moment captured that's more important, no?   

Cheers! :)
 At a wedding reception few weeks ago... oops the the feet hilang. haha..

 one of the tip of Petronas Twin Tower, KLCC taken by me at the 86th Floor. .. another oops.. tip missing (June 2015).

At the 'breaking of fast' dinner courtesy of Le Meridien Hotel with
my good friend Jo, Director of Sabah Museum and top 3 UNK 2015 winners.

 Shopaholic sistas from trip to Ho Chi Min, Vietnam.. at the airport homeward bound enroute to KLIA2 

bird's eye view from the Skybridge and 86th floor of  Petronas Twin Towers, KLCC - June 2015

Who doesn't love ice cream..... a quaint ice cream parlour just 5 minutes walk from my house. Yummmy.. a treat from a friend..

Primary School Classmates Reunion recently... 
Oldies But Goldies, A Walk Down Memory Lane - Together Again  after more than 40 - odd years. When we met again for the first time, the years just melted!
Spot me? 

Like Mother like Daughter..

With my Mary Kay buddies .. 
Gosh, looks like I have had too much burgers!

Ok, now I can delete the pics from my handphone.  :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


*the sun ain't gonna shine anymore*    (but of course it will, it always does  :))


I have totally forgotten that this song existed until a Facebook friend posted it on her wall and tagged me. I was like, wow, this is a really familiar song, a song that I used to hear being played on the record player by my older cousins way back then.

It sure brings some nostalgic feelings of those days when life was much simpler. I really missed those carefree days, then life was new and the future was bright.  The only need then was to do well in your exams,  have fun and be happy...  


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I know, I know.. but am really looking forward to October. 
Hope September gives me a good reason, a nice path and open doors and accommodate me a great October, God willing.

But first, August has been an awesome month.. alright,  some days were not so good, but some days were really amazing. I would say.. surreal. But that is another story...

This blog was at one time in danger of being done...sleeping for good.   but hey...

Hello September, please be good to me..


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...