Sunday, November 2, 2008

ANOTHER TIME ANOTHER DAY - what was I thinking?

Sesshh, I was just celebrating the coming of the weekend and now it is almost over. Yup, tomorrow will be another manic Monday, a beginning of a brand new week and a brand new month, and before we know it, we will be putting up the Christmas tree and frantically searching for that perfect Christmas gifts for friends and families.

With the impending global big time recession, I wonder how our Christmas will fare this year. Every year, I resolve by saying, I need to cut down my spending and every year I fail :( and the credit card statement comes a month later, biting yes reeally biting hehehe... OK this year, I will not spend more than what I have budgeted.. (pssttt....this resolution is not new).

Have you ever done something stupid like buying that silly skirt or that silly shoes, or done something stupid and later say, hey what was I thinking. Like that skirt I bought the other day. Yup, it was on sale, got it for a good price, a reeeal bargain. It looked good when I tried it on in the fitting room. So, happily paid for it and hurriedly tried it on again at home. Yikes, who was I kidding? It was screaming, desperately trying to look young!!!!! I promptly shoved into the far corner of my overbrimming, overflowing cupboard. Will the silliness happen again? I hope not, but one can never say never...


  1. hahaha..
    give me the skirt laa...
    if ngam me la..

  2. waaahhh hahahahah....the "what was i thinking??"...ada lagi kah baju untuk sia? yang mandy inda mo?

  3. hi there.. besa tu.. it happens to me all the time.. hihihi

    happy blogging..

  4. Ha ha ha. If you can see the baju that I buy and never wear. What was i thinking. Other than that all the baju that i buy and only wear once or twice then simpan. I can even open my own rombengan stall. Itupun lepas kasi sama orang. Always thinking, mana tau buli pakai lepas slim sikit. Ha ha ha. Keep on dreaming



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...