Monday, March 26, 2012


Was trigger happy on a lazy late Sunday morning. Armed with my small Canon G12 Powershot (my laziness said that the Canon DSLR was too heavy to lug around), headed  for the city to have some fun. Heard that there's some sort of goings-on in Padang Merdeka.  And there was..shot some... but only according to my whims and fancy..

..just couldn't help capturing your pure innocence...

..Othoe, a popular local celebrity DJ own this beetle..

..couldn't resist the shadow of her smile..

nor the glint in her eyes..

..ohh.. to be young and beautiful again..

..the budding Flame of the Forest that shaded my day..

.. the once green and lush is slowly dying?.. No, that's my creazytivity in me working overtime..

Cheers and have a lovely week ahead folks!


  1. I do not like to take pictures of human.

    Now I know the reason:

    "to be young and beautiful again..."

    I'll say.

  2. rainfield61

    Lol...let's lament not what was once ours once upon a time...hahaha

  3. Hi Angie, Holy Smoke! Love your photography.
    Hey, you give tuition?
    Love those SYTs! They the kinds can make florists retire early.....
    Always when seeing these pics of beautiful SYTs, I wonder why I never delayed my stays there before, ha ha.

    You really very creative with your camera! Outstanding!

  4. Hi Lee
    Hey, thanks for the lovely words.
    Haha.. the SYTs are indeed beautiful. Incidentally, I was made to understand that they are Miss Oriental D'junction hopefuls. Ah, that explain the long legs..

    Thanks for coming over.

  5. Hello Angie.
    Seems like ages since I was last here. Love the new header.

    That baby is sooo cute! The girls are indeed beautiful, but their beauty will fade with time. The only thing guaranteed not to wither and die is the beauty of love (smile). Great photos! Thanks for sharing.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...

    Sorry, you've been having a hard time finding me. I changed my blog address a few weeks ago so it now matches my blog title. I'm just glad you were persistent & were able to reconnect. I'd hate to lose loyal friends (smile).

    I've also started a new blog called Lovers' Cove! It's a monthly collaboration blog open to poets & non-poets alike. If you feel like joining in, it debuts May 15th. You have to enter a line of poetry that's no more than 15 words max, but there's a twist too. Intrigued? Hop on over to Lovers' Cove for more information/entry guidelines here... Hope you can join me! Enjoy the rest of the week!

  6. Great collections of the old Volkswagen beetle. Othoe is one of the avid fans; i've seen him participating in many car shows.
    But the way you capture them is just admirable. They look more 'polished'

  7. Hi Andy
    Hey, thanks for dropping by. Indeed, beauty will fade in time because it moved to the heart where love resides.

    Thanks for the invite to your new blog. Will definitely check it out to enjoy your gift of words.
    Take care and best regards

  8. Hi de engineur
    thanks for that lovely words..
    I love the look of the Volkswagon, so classic.

    Haha.. Othoe's car is so recognizable. One can spot it a hundred miles away lol.. He was the DJ that day at Padang Merdeka and his antics put everyone in stitches.

  9. Hi de engineur
    thanks for that lovely words..
    I love the look of the Volkswagon, so classic.

    Haha.. Othoe's car is so recognizable. One can spot it a hundred miles away lol.. He was the DJ that day at Padang Merdeka and his antics put everyone in stitches.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...