Sunday, July 1, 2012


I've been wanting to post these images of the once beautiful but now earthquake-ravaged Christchurch for quite a while now, but was sidelined by other matters. Somewhow, I felt that my visit to this beautiful country would not be complete if did not snap the ugly side of it too.. not by its choice but by force of nature, a natural disaster no one had foreseen.  Two years had gone by since that first terrible natural disaster struck the once serenely beautiful Christchurch, leaving in its wake many damaged properties and lost lives that made the city almost unrecognizable.  Christchurch would never be the same again. Still, life has to go on and it is now in the process of rebuilding.

..trails of damages..

 Our arrival in that city around midnight did not really show us the extent of the damage done at first, but the miles and miles of uneven roads of which our taxi driver told us were the results of the earthquake were keenly felt. I asked him whether there were any signs at all of the coming of the earthquake and was told that there was none whatsoever. He said that everything was as normal can be, and he jokingly said that if ever they did expect earthquake to strike at all, it would be in Wellington.. 'touchwood' but never in Christchurch!! I was told that tremors could still be felt every now an then but so far not strong enough to cause any real damage.

..but life has to go on...

some areas remained untouched..

The car that we used to drive us around the south island.


  1. Yes, no mater how, life has to go on.

    Time will not stop.

  2. Hello Angie, Holy Smoke! Now seeing those damaged buildings thru your camera lens. Ya, saw how that earthquake hit the city.....
    Got very worried too as my sister is there. But not her area....

    Sure love your very creative the angles and perspectives....and vivid colours.
    Your picture tells more than 15 travel brochures. Outstanding!
    Some pics look like Canada too.
    Tanks for the tour, Angie....really impressed with your photography.
    You stay beautiful, keep a song in your heart.

  3. My dearest Angie,
    Thank you for sharing pictures filled with joy, beauty and sadness. Yes, an earthquake is something no many can escape when its in his path. I hope the re-build will be positive and a BIG success. You have really beautiful pictures here...with you of course being in some of them (smile). Thanks for sharing my friend.

  4. sadness aside, your shots are beautiful and well composed, esp the landscapes and trees.

  5. Hi rainfield61

    yes, I think humans have the amazing capability to survive.
    Have a lovely day.

  6. Hi Lee
    how are you? Always happy to see you dropping by and especially for your lovely comments.
    Yes some of the places may be ruined but the amazing folks there seemed to be doing quite well especially in rebuilding the city. Pray, no more such disasters.
    Some parts of the city are still gorgeous.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  7. Hi Andy,
    hey thanks for your visit to this humble blog and for your sweet comments.

    Yes, the rebuilding of the city looks to be quite successful but some are still in ruins for whatever reasons. Slow but surely, I hope. Sad actually when one see all the lovely buildings, large shopping malls, churches being closed due to damages.
    Have a lovely day.

  8. de enginuer
    hi how are you?
    thanks for your lovely comments, re photography. The landscape is naturally beautiful and difficult to go wrong really, hehehe. I imagine the photographer in you would have more creative shots when you in this place.

    Have a great weekend.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...