Saturday, December 29, 2012


Christmas Day came and it went. Gosh, it won't be long before the year is over. In fact I feel like it is going by like a lightning speed. Perhaps it's time to reflect upon what one had accomplished during the year. I had some terrific times and some challenging ones. But who doesn't,  for how can one appreciate the good times if one did not experience the bad times, right.  Those are part and parcel of life. But how does one know if it was good or not. Sometimes we have the tendency to focus on the bad sides but forget to remember the positive or good times.  To reflect, I prefer to focus on those things that I am thankful for. It could be a small thing - perhaps meeting of an old friend or a snap with my camera of some lovely moments.

I have a lot to be thankful for really. I have my family, my extended families, I made many new terrific friends. Friends I feel I can count on. I've traveled to a few places. All these I attribute to blessings from God.

There are too many memories to remember but I would like to share some pictures in random order, some of the highlights that I went through this year.

 the first motel we stayed in New Zealand

  the first tea we had in a NZ restaurant,. This is enroute to Late Tekapo

                   Simple dinner that we cooked - Dunedin, NZ. Dunedin at night 
was brrrr...cold. Hence, the wine hahaha... 

A farm in Seddon NZ

shearing a sheep in Seddon NZ

 Taken on Valentine's Day Dinner with friends

 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

 a meeting with the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Brunei.
Left Melinda Louis (UNK 2012) and right Puan Joanna Kitingan

Yours Truly at the gate of Sultan of Brunei's Palace. .. the guards looked fierce haha


 damaged by earthquake..

and the beautiful part

 with a friend, Christchurch, NZ

 'Middle Earth Kingdom' 

rustic countryside, NZ

my nephews and niece, Family Day at UMS Beach, KK

 sharing laughter - Family Day

 Group photo to Gayana Resort courtesy of Digi


some of the stuff I sold at the Hari Wanita Bazaar

a wedding dinner of a 'Kadazan Princess'
Mandy Nandu

 High Tea with Toh Puan

Group photo with Toh Puan

 with members of the KDCA supreme council 

 KDCA Delegate's Conference

 Yours Truly part of the Documentation Team during
the KDCA Delegate's Conference

Mt Kinabalu

 At a nephew's wedding

 my darling

 a very tame squirrel of Mt Kinabalu

 Dinner with my siblings

 meeting my former teacher (middle) after more than 30 years, now a US resident and
my lovely friend (right).

 Group photo of UNK Team to Miri

 sponsored by MasWings

 my daughter and her cousins ushering the new year 2012

 Visit to Gayana Resort

 Group photo trip to Teratak River Cruise

 Yours Truly planting a Duku Langsat at the family orchard

 Canterbury Plains, NZ

the kids participating in the planting of fruit trees at the famliy land

 Visit to  Chang Kai Shek Memorial, Taipei, Taiwan

National Pesta Kaamatan Keningau

releasing baby turtles to the sea, Sipadan Island

Wishing everyone
Happy New Year!!

Sharing some Irish Toasts
May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, may good luck pursue you each morning and night.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends gathered below never fall out.
As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction.
May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.
May the Lord keep you in His hand and never close His fist too tight.
May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you.
May the sound of happy music, and the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your heart with gladness, that stays forever after.
May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty. And our ale never turn musty.


  1. Well look who's gone and had a good one!!!
    A pint of ale for you, good lass Angie!!

  2. hi hobbit1964

    Cheers for the coming new year! May it be filled with peace, love, joy and laughter.
    Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Looks like a lot of good things happened in 2012. Good deed on promoting our culture through KDCA.

    Best of wishes for 2013.

    1. hi de engineur
      come to think of it, yes a lot happened in 2012. Actually these are only a small part of it.
      Glad that I am able to play a role in promoting our culture albeit a small one.

      Happy New Year 2013 to you and family.

  4. Hi Angie, I enjoyed looking thru all the pics here. Outstanding!
    Taking this opportunity to wish you and all at home a very happy new year, and all best wishes.
    Stay young and keep a song in your heart.
    Happy new year!

  5. Hi Lee
    Thanks for the lovely comments and new year wishes.
    Likewise, I wish you a very happy new year and may you have all God's best.
    You too stay young always and a song in your heart.
    All the very best.

  6. But I spent most of my weekends in the jungle.

    Happy New Year to you.

    1. Happy New Year to you rainfield61.
      May you continue your quest to enjoy, appreciate and be part of nature for we never know how long it will last. I too am fascinated with nature and every rocks and trees has its own story.

      Take care

  7. Hi Angie, thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures.
    Happy New Year to you and wish you all the best in 2013.

    1. Hi Amelia
      Thanks for your wishes and may I accord you the same.
      May you have a fantastic year ahead and continue to churn out amazing desserts in your blog.
      Happy New Year and all the very best.

  8. A year of visiting places, have wings will travel.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...