Tuesday, December 31, 2013


In the New Year 

I wish you the best year you’ve ever had

And that each New Year

Will be better than the last

May you realize your fondest dreams

And take time to recognize and enjoy

Each and every blessing.

Happy New Year 2014 and many more!!

It was a last minute decision actually.. . was decided little more than a couple of days ago. I was thinking, hey this is madness. How can we possibly do it in 3 days. The Chairlady just said.. 'ok let's do it on the 30th December.'.... I was thinking geezz.. easier said than done.. But  she said, "come on.. 'Let's Just Do It! ".

Yes, a Christmas and New Year Party to be hosted by the Unduk Ngadau Organising Committee and to invite all the  'State Level Unduks  Particpants of 2013'. Well we did not really expect the 41 ladies' attendance especially when invitation was at the eleventh hour and so the attendance of some 16 ladies was actually great!

singing Christmas Carols

  2 lovely ladies ( 2nd and 3rd from left) from Japan who are on a visit to Sabah.. 

Ms Jo presenting prizes (non-alchohol sparkling juice) to beautiful Shaney and Terry who won a game.

..doing the 'Jamilah Dance'

All pics above are courtesy of Leslie  Isaac Kok

also a distant relative and Yours Truly with that famous silly smirk...:)

And we did it, yes, with cooperation and teamwork by some of our committee members, we managed to find a lovely venue at the KDCA Cultural Village, caterer, arranged games and entertainment, decoration, got confirmation from more than 50 guests consisting of crew members, members of MICC of KDCA, Unduk Ngadau Committee and viola, we were set to go!

Guests were informed of the theme colour which was red and came 7.00 pm, the lovely guests strode in mostly decked in red...

Weather was superb, not a drop of rain, the food and drinks great, the music lovely and we sang and dance into the night till we almost dropped...hahaha.. I got a leg cramp from dancing the "Jamilah Dance', absolutely delightful..

Cheers everyone,  and Happy New Year!!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

MEMORIES OF CHRISTMAS PAST....my Christmas dress

Christmas day is around the corner but I don't feel it yet. It is always the case nowadays - sighh, must be the age,  unlike those days when the kids were small - the shopping for presents, clothes and the flurry of activities, spring cleaning and stuff.  Not that we would be having a big celebration. As usual, it would be just the family, a Christmas Eve dinner and a midnight Christmas Mass at the nearby church if not on Christmas Day. 

One of my happiest memories during my childhood must be Christmastime. We didn’t get any presents then but even the word Christmas conjures visions of happy occasions with joy and laughter. December was usually the harvesting season as well as the school holidays. My siblings and I would spend our holidays in the field helping our parents. 

It was at this time that the paddy would be ripe and at its peak and one must finish harvesting them fast or else the stalks would just wilt, become dry and brittle making it quite impossible to harvest. My mom would tell us that we have to finish the harvest or else there won’t be any Christmas for us, meaning we would be spending it in the field. Of course she never let that happen! And we always finish harvesting way before Christmas.

 Paddy ready to be harvested

Mom and Dad on their wedding day..a looong time ago. 
Rest in peace..

A few days or weeks before Christmas, being family of little means, my mom would go downtown and buy those cheap floral materials by the yards. There were 5 of us girls then, me being the eldest. Mom would cut and sew the materials to make into 4 identical dresses whilst mine would always be a little different from the rest like an addition of a little bow. I guess she did that because I was the oldest and I must have begun to show them curves..haha.. 

My mom would sew and the faithful Singer sewing machine would whirr into the night till dawn. She would not stop until she complete at least a dress. I would watch my mom cutting and sewing and I guess that was how I learned how to sew a little, though I know now that her cut were crude, unconventional and definitely not by the book. To us though, the dresses were most beautiful and we would wake up in the morning happy and excited when we find our completed dresses hanging on the clothesline.  We would try them on with our half grin admiring each other.

 simple dresses, quite similar to the dresses my mom used to make 
(pics courtesy of zalora.com)

A day before Christmas Eve, mom would pack our dresses and other necessities and on the morning of Christmas Eve, we would start the about an hour or so journey on foot through hills and vales to my grandmother’s house. There, other family members - aunts, uncles and cousins would have already arrived. The buzz of activities begin, the adults with the food preparation and cooking, whilst the older ones spend their time talking, gossiping and catching up with old times. 

I remember the young ladies would make the Hinompuka or Linompuka which is a cake made from glutinous rice flour and wrapped in leaves then boiled or steamed. I remember helping in the wrapping and couldn’t wait for it to be cooked.  The younger kids would be the happiest as they get to run wild in the compound, playing, laughing, screaming even fighting as what children do and no one would really be reprimanded.

The evening of Christmas Eve would also see us going for the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass and on Christmas Day at the nearby Church. Singing Christmas carol at the top of our voice and yes, with our finest dresses! Then back to the house for the big meal, more laughter and not a little noise. 

A sketch of a typical Kadazan village house -
 drawn by my son, Lionel.

We would stay at my grandmother’s house for a couple of days after Christmas Day and all too soon, it would be goodbyes and would again begin our journey back to our respective homes, a little sad. My grandmother’s house, I imagine would be sadder, as it would be back to the quiet moments, until another occasion.  Ahh.. those were the days..

My Christmas dress this year? A recycled one..a nice hardly used dress.

Wishing everyone a Blessed and a Merry Christmas….and BE SAFE!!


Friday, December 6, 2013


One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite singers, Dato' Sheila Majid. I haven't heard this song for a long time now.  When I watsapped my sister about our suggested songs for the Grand Finale for our 2nd Soluoi Clan Reunion this December 21st, (the 1st Soluoi Clan Reunion, 31st July 2010)  she suggested this song too and I was like gosh yes, I remember this song, very meaningful words and would be appropriate for that occasion. Here's Sheila Majid in one of her best number. Many thanks to the person who uploaded this on youtube.

I have earlier suggested the following song by Ms Diana Ross.. 

If We Hold On Together..

The 2nd song is favoured more by my cousins.  Or perhaps we could sing both..
Meanwhile, come lets enjoy the songs..

I would like to dedicate the next song to my late mom and to all her siblings who have passed on. My aunt, the Grand Matriach (my mom's eldest sister) one of Soluoi's grandaughters just passed away at age 85 about a month ago... Rest in Peace to all.. Miss them dearly, but they are probably so busy having their own reunion whereever they may be to even think of us ..Have fun ya'll, till we meet again someday, we will hold on to memories.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...