Tuesday, December 31, 2013


In the New Year 

I wish you the best year you’ve ever had

And that each New Year

Will be better than the last

May you realize your fondest dreams

And take time to recognize and enjoy

Each and every blessing.

Happy New Year 2014 and many more!!

It was a last minute decision actually.. . was decided little more than a couple of days ago. I was thinking, hey this is madness. How can we possibly do it in 3 days. The Chairlady just said.. 'ok let's do it on the 30th December.'.... I was thinking geezz.. easier said than done.. But  she said, "come on.. 'Let's Just Do It! ".

Yes, a Christmas and New Year Party to be hosted by the Unduk Ngadau Organising Committee and to invite all the  'State Level Unduks  Particpants of 2013'. Well we did not really expect the 41 ladies' attendance especially when invitation was at the eleventh hour and so the attendance of some 16 ladies was actually great!

singing Christmas Carols

  2 lovely ladies ( 2nd and 3rd from left) from Japan who are on a visit to Sabah.. 

Ms Jo presenting prizes (non-alchohol sparkling juice) to beautiful Shaney and Terry who won a game.

..doing the 'Jamilah Dance'

All pics above are courtesy of Leslie  Isaac Kok

also a distant relative and Yours Truly with that famous silly smirk...:)

And we did it, yes, with cooperation and teamwork by some of our committee members, we managed to find a lovely venue at the KDCA Cultural Village, caterer, arranged games and entertainment, decoration, got confirmation from more than 50 guests consisting of crew members, members of MICC of KDCA, Unduk Ngadau Committee and viola, we were set to go!

Guests were informed of the theme colour which was red and came 7.00 pm, the lovely guests strode in mostly decked in red...

Weather was superb, not a drop of rain, the food and drinks great, the music lovely and we sang and dance into the night till we almost dropped...hahaha.. I got a leg cramp from dancing the "Jamilah Dance', absolutely delightful..

Cheers everyone,  and Happy New Year!!



  1. Hi Angie, Happy new Year to you and family. Wishing you all the best in 2014. Glad to meet you 'online'. :))

    Have a lovely day, hugs to you.

    P/S Lovely posting. I will read later.

    1. Hi Amelia
      mighty glad and proud to know and have a lovely and talented friend like you dear even though we've yet the privilege to meet in person.. perhaps one of these days, there will be an opportunity for all of us to meet..:) and same time sample your femes dishes hehe..

      Have a fantastic new year!

  2. Happy new year. God bless you and your loved ones.

    1. Hi de engineur
      happy new year to you and family...may the new year 2014 be better than the previous years :).
      God willing.

  3. Hi Angie, here's wishing you and all at home a very happy new year....and lots of happiness, sunshine and laughter.
    Love the pics here as red always my favourite exterior colour. Like the saying, 'when in doubt, wear red'.
    Are those Kadazan SYTs? They all looking exotic!
    I guess my age might not be suitable going on safari now....ha ha ha.
    Happy new year!

    1. HI Lee
      Wishing you the same.. happy new year and may you continue to grace my blog with your visits bringing with you bursts of sunshine and laughter.
      Yes,we wanted to create a happy and bubbly environment for our guests and it worked! haha These are all Kadazan SYTs..not bad eh. Arhaha.. I guess they not suitable as aged from around 19 to 25... but fret not as there is one here who is like 'wine' gets better with age *wink*. hahaha... joke joke only ah..

  4. Hello Angie.. ingkuo kabar nu? Kounsikaan doh Toun vagu 2014! have a great day ahead Angie..

    1. Hi dear Azwa...avasi boh... Ingkuo ko noh iziau? Kopivosian om kounsikaan toun vagu 2014 kuma diau om kohominan.
      Thanks for dropping by kio. Hugs..

  5. Lovely Angie.glad you enjoyed welcoming the New Year 2014,dancing the Jamilah Dance,i sincerely hope it was not done on a BIKE/CAR TRUNK...LOL...good thing i was not in KK otherwise i will surely try to climb the MOUND with a BIKE...ARHAHAHAHHA HAHA please allow me to congratulate you on making it through the year. It was no mean feat to survive the past 365 days in a world that is getting tougher and less friendlier, which give us a challenge to face in 2014 - to make it a nicer place to live in. Thank you for the privilege of being my friend and that of accepting me as yours. May the seal of friendship in the coming year get stronger. Let me wish you all that is good and wonderful in the next 365 days - often repeated but need digesting, happiness not in things of this world but that from above, health not of the body but of the spirit, and the right perspective of life as we head into that glorious sunset, to some of us, imminent, to others, a long way to go.
    My family and I,as yours i am sure have been greatly blessed in 2013 and we continue to seek God for His grace and mercy in the New Year.We wish you the same, from whichever faith you belong, that your days will be filled with strength to overcome and friends to encourage. Happy New Year 2014.....God Bless regards from Uncle AL....P/S you look absolutely stunning in red.

    1. Hi dear Al, thanks for dropping by and also for that beautiful wishes and compliments too.

      Haha.. the Jamilah Dance is the rage now.. used to be the Poco Poco and I can understand why, 'cos the steps are quite easy and everyone can actually master it in no time at all. Also it is a group dance and not confined to say for a couple only. It also helps to loosen up the guests and can act as an ice-breaker.

      Arhaha.. you are hilarious..nahh.. not on a bike or car trunk hahaha.. not everyone is as adventurous as some people, I guess or perhaps that opportunity for such never happened ..LOL.

      Another new year is here and yes mighty glad that we were able to get by even with some challenges. But challenges I guess is inevitable in life, making it a wee bit exciting and also a way to make us appreciate and be thankful of the good times and the good stuff that we receive from God.

      May this new year brings with it better times notwithstanding all the negative happenings that we have in our country.. especially in terms of economy ie that notorious increased of prices of almost all necessities. We can only hope for the best and that at the end of the day, good thing can come out of it..ahemm ..if that make sense at all..sighh. One thing I can be sure of is the privileged to be counted as one of your friends. I am so touched and humbled.

      I can't agree with you more that happiness is not in things of the world rather from above, health not of the body but of the spirit. The length of thread of life is never guaranteed as it is not up to us but a gift from God and if He deemed it is time to go home, it will be the time, His time.. and He will say "The day is done,The travel is ended, Time for slumber, and wake up when the trumpet of Dawn is sounded". Meanwhile, while we are here let us continue to live our lives in faith and pray for continued blessings.

      Happy new year 2014 to you and your beloved family. God bless.

  6. Lovely Angie, I was waiting for your reply . Thank you it was what I expected. There was humor, reality and believes . You did not disappoint at all. How sweet the words, reflects your true nature. A classy woman of substance. A great pleasure to one dsy God willing to shake your hands and perhaps dance the Jamilah or maybe just maybe go for a bike ride or at the very least a 4 wheel drive round KK . Best Regards and God Bless. AL.

    1. Hi Al,
      forgive my tardiness in my reply.. reason being, i had to really think what and how to write to match your classy comments. ..haha..as it deserves not less than that.

      I simply love your style of writing and it can only come from someone learned and knowledgeable, someone who has inherent intelligence and possesses tremendous wisdom, charm, a principled man yet full of kindness. I am so honoured and yes, looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you someday, shake your hands, dance the Jamilah too...hahaha .

      Thanks for dropping by.. God bless.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...