Monday, March 9, 2015


It was a beautiful celebration.. the birthday and engagement of  my friend Jo's eldest daughter, Ava.

Too bad I did not bring my DSLR cam.. :(

Some photos taken with my digital camera.

The new in thing - 3D paintings.
This beautiful 3D painting was painted on a wall of Jo's beautiful house.

Jo's house is near a beach ... and so, she's got the best of both views, sunrise and the mountains on the east and on the west, the sea and beautiful sunsets... 

                                                                              ..taking his family for a ride..

..the airport is about 5km away, so a plane every few minutes...


  1. dear 3D painting dah ada di KL, Penang and Sh Alam.maybe in other places in Malaysia yg I tk tau.nmpak mcm real kan bila kita take photo.

  2. Hi IM, ya, first time I ambik gambar with 3D painting was in Shah Alam last year.. In KK pun banyak dah tempat ada.. the latest kat Oceanus Shopping Mall, but masuk nak tangkap gambar have to pay RM28 per person... if only 2 person ok lah.. but if ramai2 and you alone pay, hehehe... fikir dua kali..

  3. So a beautiful place, I will never get bored with the sunsets and sunrises.

  4. rainfield61, you must come to KK again.. the sunsets at this time of the year is glorious! hehe.. Did you know,Hunting Post once says that Sabah has one of the best sunsets in the world? haha.. sip a cocktail at the Waterfront and watch the last sun rays of the day..

  5. Hi Angie, love all the pics here, good imagination. Love especially the lady on the beach with the sunset reflection on the water, and the silhouette pose....classic picture. And wow! You caught a pic of plane making a final approach or taking off to faraway lands....great shot that!
    You must have switched to highspeed what with it being twilight time too.
    Hey, you give tuition on photography? Ha ha ha.
    Best regards,



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