Thursday, August 11, 2016


Malaysia's 'Open House' is a unique traditional concept where family, relatives, friends and even strangers are welcomed with goodwill and friendship into their home to join in to celebrate the various festivities celebrated in the country, the major ones being  the Hari Raya,  Christmas and Chinese New Year.

I always enjoy these visits as not only we get to meet old friends and renew bonds, share jokes and laughter, the various array of great sumptuous food but also an opportunity to gawk at the beautiful and interesting decors of each house.  My visit to Brunei recently, an invitation from a friend (a Malaysian now residing there) to her beautiful home to celebrate the Hari Raya  availed me to so many interesting objects and with her permission, I managed to capture some interesting objects which also made interesting topics of conversation.

By the way, she is crazy about teapot that she even had a room dedicated especially for her many many collections of various types of teapot mostly bought from overseas and also presented to her by friends.


I love all of them but my fav is the ladybird teapot and the lady with the harp.  Hope some have inspired you to choose decor accessories for your home.  Folks, she has a reliable housekeeper who cleans and dusts them regularly...hahaha   There are lots more but let's reserve them for another day.  


  1. You friend does have a fantastic collection of teapots.
    They are unique and beautiful.

  2. Hi Angie, wah....the teapots collection is very impressive and cute. The house is really beautiful and very well maintain. Love those plants too.

    Have a nice day, regards. Hugs to you.

  3. Wow! Cool collection of Malaysian art and decor. I have got some great ideas about cutlery decoration and placements. I will appreciate your effort and say good luck to your blog.

  4. Wow! Cool collection of Malaysian art and decor. I have got some great ideas about cutlery decoration and placements. I will appreciate your effort and say good luck to your blog.

  5. Wow! Cool collection of Malaysian art and decor. I have got some great ideas about cutlery decoration and placements. I will appreciate your effort and say good luck to your blog.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...