Thursday, November 1, 2018


Have been toying with the idea of giving a fresh look on the label of my favourite waste of time, yeah the MandyNikko Collection Handmade Fashion Accessories. Have not been doing it for quite awhile as was besieged by mental-block with nil creativity. 

My creative partner in crime who used to share this hobby ie my daughter has flown out of the nest for greener pastures and am left bereft of creative juice whatsoever.. lol!  Sweetie, mum misses you... Ah, but of course as she not only took care of the quality of each creation but was also instrumental in coding and writing the description of every item which I deem so tedious.  

some of the items that we did.

Only just recently, I opened the now dusty tinker box that contained the beads and whatnots.  Then I gingerly absentmindedly with eyes still on the dang addictive Korean drama series, tried making a simple earring and then came another one and another. Seems the passion that I used to have is slowly coming back, at least for now hopefully it lasts.. haha.. Have been sending them to a rent-a -box in one of the shops in town. Rent'a-box apparently is the current rage, so why not. The response is at snail-paced but at least they do not lay idle in the tinker box at home.

So have designed a few labels but could not decide on one. 

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Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...