Saturday, December 18, 2021


3G looking like Mike Tyson after a boxing match. Note the bruised eye. 3G, my tomcat is fearless. Once he came home bedraggled and bleeding. He looked like he had been in a fight again. I promptly carried him and exclaimed in dismay! Yes this cat had been acting his natural instincts – very territorial. My son who witnessed the fight said that 3G had been very brave and fought valiantly until the rival, a stray cat ran away in defeat…lol... “You are a silly cat” I scolded him while cleaning his wound. “You think you are so strong? Now fight this!” I threatened him with the snout of the vacuum cleaner. I don’t know what’s with the vacuum cleaner, but just show it to him and he runs helter-skelter!!…lol. .


  1. aiyoh..kesian nya..ya mmg look like mike tyson..hehehe

  2. lol..
    i was still asleep during that time before it happened..
    well, it got me awaked when they start cursing each other (or was it cursing??) then when the fight began, i hurriedly run down to (konon mo kasi settle la~~)..

    first thing i saw was the white cat fur balls coming out from under the SA1010N..two cats not moving and doin the 69 pose but instead they were biting each other...(and still not moving)..and as i was trying to chase them off, damn! both of them vigorously started wrestle which looks like a "cat fight" only without bikini's..(LOL!!)

    so happens that me being there, and the other "senior cat" was alerted by my presence gives an advantage to 3G delivering a hard "gyakyu zuki" which causes him to flee frm the scene...

    since of this incident..3G cant stop picking a fight frm 1 cat to another...good thing he came home without serious injuries, instead got himself a first GF. 3 colored female cat.

    tapi kenapa today i saw his furr warna biru2 tu?? cindy lauper?alahai~~..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...