Saturday, December 18, 2021

Farewelll Three Gee

We came home from work on Thursday and found 3G, our tomcat on its bed, not responding to our calls like it usually does. My other half said it must be ill ‘cos it didn’t seem like its usual self and true enough upon stroking its head, it was burning with fever.

3G has been ill quite a number of times and every time with medication, it gets through it. And I thought, this was one of those days. Towards the morning it got worst, every breath was a labor. Look at its glassy eyes, I knew it wouldn’t make it this time. I cried and whispered, “3G, 3G, I am sorry, please please don’t die’. It made a feeble sound. I don’t why I was apologizing but I couldn’t stand looking at 3G in pain and I felt so helpless. I tried force feeding it with water, but it wasn’t responsive.

We brought it to the vet and arrived there at 7.30am. Waiting for it to open at 8 am seemed like forever. The vet looked at it and I saw what he saw, that 3G cannot be saved. I cried, and left the room. My other half stayed and asked what caused 3G to get ill so suddenly when he was eating and active just the day before. The vet said it probably got a viral infection from its wound caused by its fight with other cats but will try his best. 

Shots of antibiotics and glucose given, we brought it home, but it never improved. We tried to make its last hours as comfortable as possible and we even discussed its burial plans. At dawn the following day, my other half got up and found that 3G has died. He asked me, to have one last look as it was still warm. I cried buckets and bid farewell. Farewell 3G, I guess your time has come but how we will miss you you walk amongst us just a while you brought joy and smile and we will always remember you. 

I still feel its presence, and every corner in the house, I expect to see it lying around. My other half has thrown everything that reminds him of 3G, his basket, his food. My son took the day off to bring 3G’s remains to kampong and gave him a proper burial by the creek near a clump of bamboos. There it rested. Farewell 3G….


  1. sad to know that ur cat's gone, aunty. =(

  2. i cried thinking about it as sad...sob sob sob.

  3. 3G is very special for me in a sense that unlike other cat, he doesn’t bathe himself. He doesn’t run as fast as other normal cat. (mcm lembab ni), he cant measure the height of a platform to where he is jumping, often slipped and fell due to inappropriate momentum (lol). The best he can hunt is a cockroach. He is the only different colored ones to compare between the siblings, mother and the father (weird). Sexually assaulted by male cat (and that male cat looks old and weak…gay maaa..adada..)
    Ive never felt the sorrowfulness of a dead cat until 3G died. It is almost surreal how he was running around a day before, and knocked out in a sudden, died less than 24hours on the following day. That morning as I was looking at him lying there, recalling the time when I arrived home calling for him then he got this special welcoming reactions (seems like he was smiling huhu), then performing 4 type of stretching pose (a must). How we will sit on a dining chair during dinner and Dad would be saying to him “you are a cat, so u sit there and wait ok??” and he will actually sit and wait…..duii~~.
    The only cat I would run to the rescue whenever I heard him screaming for help (or is it he is the one winning ;P) in a fight. The one and only cat I would open doors to let him enter the house at 4am (everyday! cuz he wont stop ‘meowing’ at my room window..zzz)(pandai pi clubbing juga dia ni kan). So far the only cat that would react in certain ways whenever I come out from my room in the morning, then his last ‘meow’ that night when he was in pain (sob)
    So I sat there and felt the sadness before getting ready for work. Request for an early off and bought him to kampong for the proper burial. (ada bah suru buang di sampah sepa tu ah??) Perez who accompanied me stood beside while I gave my last word to 3G. Farewell 3G, we will miss the joy and happiness throughout your existence. As Dad always said, “you are a good cat” and you are indeed a good cat.

  4. ala boy so sad..sedih sia after reading..uhuk uhuk..
    Have u watch Marley and Me? the story..muts watch ada similarity. i will always remember the "misai"

  5. I am so sorry to hear that your dear kitty has died. Being a mum to 6 cats and 2 dogs, I share your pain. 3G is gone from your touch but never your hearts.

    R.I.P, dear 3G.

    With deepest sympathy,

  6. Thanks All, we are still feeling 3G's loss. It was a cat like no us at least. We've had cats before, but 3G was different in everyway - it possessed a personality unlike a normal cat would be... but I could be biased though :-). It was named 3G, first because for want of a better and second was because it was a tomcat with three shades of colour - white, brown and black with a moustache to boot - which is a rarity. We at home always joked that it was probably a man in its previous life. It didnt miaow so much and was a bit aloof ...which reminds me of the saying 'if you love a dog, it thnks you are god, but if you love a cat, it thinks it is god" And whenever I carried 3G, I would always remind it, 'yup I do love you but remember you, you are not my god'... :-).

  7. Ya dah tgk dat movie. Tp thats a Dog, and it gets to live with them from puppy until about 12 years, died due to twisted intestine or something.3G i think belum pun reach its peak of growth..huhu.

  8. i can't believe i wasn't there when 3G left. before leaving for KL i actually felt that something bad is going to happen to 3G that i will never see him again,but seeing him active and everything makes me think that nothing bad will happen,mayb just fights with other cats. just one day after i reached KL mum sms me n told me that 3G is sick,i was so sad. no mood to go out,hoping that 3G will be okay. the next day mum sms tlling me that 3G died. i cried,told my friend what happened. i sat thinking i'll never see the cat with "misai" anymore,the cat where alwez sleep in my room. so sad. goodbye sweet 3G.

  9. duuiii gia.. kesian. sedih pula baca.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...