Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hi All, I know talking about the trip to Taiwan is a little overdue, but I guess, a little late is better than never. After all, I did promise to write a little about it ..:)...of which I almost forgot. I was reminded when I made a visit to one of my lovely blogger friends blog where she posted about persimmon which then triggered my memory...aheemmm......gosh, my age has caught up with me?

The trip was organised by the KDCA State Level UNK Committee as part of Melinda, the reigning Unduk Ngadau's activities. The  trip served as an educational trip for her to expose her to other cultures to empower her knowledge as an Ambassador for Tourism.  We, the Organiser of course had to tag along. The group of 18 traveled to Taiwan on the 1st November and upon reaching Taoyuan Airport, Taipei,  I immediately felt I was in foreign land because of the chilly temperature. Of course, it should be. It was autumn after all but it was pleasantly cool and fresh, a stark contrast from the usually hot and humid temperature here. We arrived our hotel in Taipei at around 9 in the evening.

The following morning, dressed in our traditional costume, a chartered bus brought us to the Malaysia Friendship and Trade Centre (MFTC) Taipei where we were scheduled for a courtesy visit to the Head of Mission, Taipei, Ybhg Datuk T S Yong. We were welcomed  by his beautiful wife and ushered to a Conference Room. Datin Dona has been instrumental in arranging our travel itinerary in Taiwan.  We met several Malaysians staff working for MFTC. All the formalities done, a presentation of the MFTC personnel showed and briefed us the roles and functions of MFTC.  We were informed that Head of Mission is equivalent to Ambassador.

For refreshments, we were served with a delicious Malaysian Nasi Lemak with super hot sambal cooked by Malaysians.

Later, we were brought to visit a few landmarks in Taipei, one of  which is the Taipei 101 Tower. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world at 1,667 feet high. The tower and its spire even outrank the Petronas Twin Towers, in Kuala Lumpur.

We were brought to luncheon hosted by the wife of Head of Mission where we were joined by the Ambassador of Swaziland to Taiwan and several Ambassadors' wives and towards the evening we were brought to watch a cultural show.

The following days were spent sightseeing and window shopping.  Ahh..but let the pictures speak for themselves.

at the persimmon farm..too ripe huh

'Persimmon Picker'...hehe

At the persimmon garden, a Persimmon Festival. 
The Persimmon Festival is one of Taiwan's tourist attraction.

 Group photo with the Head of Mission Taipei, his wife and staff of Malaysian Friendship 
and Trade Centre Taipei

Middle, an aborigine lady, flanked by Ray (left) and Melinda 

Background  : Chang Kai Shek Memorial

Lunch with the wives of Ambassadors of various countries.
On my left is the wife of Ambassador of Singapore in Taiwan
On the right is Ambassador of Swaziland in Taiwan. 

a cultural performance by the Aborigines Cultural Group, Taiwan. There are 14 aborigines tribes  in Taiwan. There's one tribe (can't remember which one) which has an uncanny resemblance with our traditional costume.  

Even  some of their language are similar to the Kadazandusn tribe in Sabah. We asked one lady to count 1 to 10 in their language and there was a lot of similarities for example,  five in  Kadazan is himo and the lady told us that it 'hima' or something like that in their language. I also asked how they say eyes in their language, and she said 'mato' and ears 'tolingo'......We were shrieking in amusement. That was sooo eerie. 

  Some has claimed that the ancestral roots of Kadazandusuns could have originated from here. So far no concrete evidence is available and has remained unproven until now. It would be quite interesting. I hope one day, someone would do a proper research on this. 

 "a groom carrying his bride on their wedding day"

aerial view of Sun Moon Lake

 Note the lady with a headdress. She is a fine example of Taiwan's aborigines. 
But she looks like one of us doesn't she.

they know how to aramaitie also ..hehehe

an aborigine lady. She's gorgeous!

Melinda with  a beautiful Malaysian lady, now a PR of Taiwan. She has been residing in Taiwan for the past 35 years. She has not forgotten her roots. See what she wears.. love it.


  1. Eeee bestnya aunty dpt jln2 ni...siok oh pigi tingu negara org..luas pemandangan, bnyk pengalaman

    1. Hi Stella
      how nice kan if dapat travel everywhere. Of course Aunty buli cos budak sudah besar. Last time at your age, susah mau travel because nobody look after the kids. Also dulu2 mana ada Air Asia ..... Tapi aunty pun jeles, kamu dapat pi Phuket ari tu...so lovely the place kan. Hope one day can go there too.

  2. Wow..i should put Taiwan as my must-visit places! :) how interesting, the taiwan's aborigines is said to be the kadazandusun's ancestor right?

    1. Hi A.G.P.
      so lovely of you to drop by.
      Yes, Taiwan is a must visit place. Better if you are able to speak Mandarin too 'cos most people don't speak English. Signboard pun mostly in Chinese characters hahaha.. kami main agak2 saja. But if follow tour, then should be fine. Taiwan's aborigines has a lot of similarities to Kadazandusun. Could be some shared ancestral somewhere..

  3. We were a same family some thousands years ago.


    1. Thanks rainfield61. Agree with you on this bro. :)

  4. Fun time in Taiwan I can see.
    Seem like a lovely place to visit.

  5. de engineur
    I love travelling. Wish can afford to do more.
    Yes, Taiwan is a must visit place and visiting the the Sun Moon Lake where the Aborigines cultural village is situated is a must.

  6. Wow you guys had a Tai-wan-derful time with the Aborigines. Oh they have the cable car over Sun Moon Lake now. tQ

  7. Bananaz
    To appease the thirst of this wanderer who is a wanderlust junkie, Taiwan is indeed a wander-ful experience hehehe...
    Yes there is a cable car and one can have full view of Sun Moon Lake. Simply gorgeous! Heard that the best time to visit is springtime when all the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. :)

  8. hi angie,

    ya i do agree with you.. when i watched the voice of china, saw some of china aborigines ( i presumme) wearing their traditional customes that is almost similar to ours and in a way they do look like the dusun/kadazan..

    1. hi blu
      we choose to visit Taiwan because we heard about the resemblance of their people and ours. And yes, so weird oh haha.. If you have the opportunity, visit Taiwan and include the visit to the Aborigines Cultural Village in your itinerary.

  9. Hi Angie, thank you for sharing all the beautiful pictures. You and your friends sure look gorgeous and great. :) Stay young at heart always. Looks like you really enjoyed your trip. So when is the next trip or designation?
    Have not visit Taiwan, look like a great place to visit. Love the Sun Moon Lake.

    Have a lovely day ahead.

    1. Hi Amelia
      thank you for the lovely compliments. Yes, will always staying young at heart here even though may not be that young in age. But then again, age is just a number right.
      Taiwan is a lovely place to visit. Even shopping is good and the food too. I especially like the food in their homestay where we got to eat authentic Taiwanese food. If you decide to visit Sun Moon Lake, I heard that spring season which is around February or early March is the best time as all the cherry blossoms would be blooming.

      Not sure where is the next destination but we were talking about Korea around March or April, God willing.

      Take care and have a lovely day.

  10. Gorgeous photos, especially the one with the women in their traditional costume! Fantastic post and such a wonderful tour of your journey!

    Thanks for visiting my blog :-)



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...