Thursday, November 29, 2012


My family is always in dismay whenever I do my weekly visit to the market as I tend to buy more fruits than anything else. I would normally depend on Mr Hubs to buy fish or meats as he makes better choices while I buy vegetables and fruits. Especially now that it is the fruit season, you’d find me struggling with bags of all sorts of fruits like langsat, rambutans, even durians, mangosteens and tarap. 

For those not familiar with tarap fruit, it is a wild fruit and native to Borneo and I believe is not found anywhere else. The skin is spiky but spikes are not hard like the durians, rather rough and colours of the ripe fruit may vary from greenish to yellowish.

It has a strong scent (but not anywhere like durians) and the flesh when ripe is soft, sweet and white. Ok, not a good description and you still have no idea what it looks like? See pictures please :)

Tarap fruit

When the fruit is ripe, the outer skin can easily be pulled apart and it would then reveal the delicious fruit inside. The fruit comes in seeds and each seed has a layer of the soft white flesh covering it. The flesh can be eaten direct from the fruit or you can scrap the flesh into a bowl or a fancy container, have it chilled and viola….a great dessert! 

tarap flesh... ahemm...this one looks a little too ripe.. 
No need to eat the seeds :)

I’ve also tried placing them in a freezer and eat them just before they freeze. Sinking one’s teeth into the succulent fruit with just a hint of frost is like a little bite of heaven!  Alternatively, one can also make fritters out of it much like making banana fritters.

So if you intend to visit Sabah, come in October or November and you will find them everywhere in the open market or ‘tamu’ even those roadside stalls. They would be sold side by side with the other seasonal fruits like durians, mangosteens, langsat, rambutans.  

durians, the King of fruits 




A good place to stop by if you are on the way up to Kundasang where the mahestic mountain, Mount Kinabalu is situated, is Pekan Nabalu.  Just head to any of the stall selling tarap, request them to open them for you, and you can sample them there and then. Usually a medium-sized fruit will cost RM5.00 each. I’ve come across Japanese and Korean tourists even visitors from Peninsula gleefully enjoying the fruit. 
Just a word of caution, if you are not a fan of soft sweet fruit with a strong scent, tarap is not for you.  Why do I say that...well ‘cause I know of people not really keen on them ..hahaha…just like how they do not like cempedak or durians.  Oh well, one man’s food is another man’s poison. 
Tarap anyone?  :D


  1. I have loved the tarap!!!
    The very aroma can make me drool!!!
    And of course the old schoolboy limmerick: shut up!! Your father makan tarap!!

    1. hi hobbit1964
      ahh..glad you like tarap too. Especially those with nice thick flesh..just yummy aren't they? :) Haha.. haven't heard of that old schoolboy limmerick before. But does sound hilarious..:p

  2. Among the list, I love durian the most.

    1. rainfield61
      I love durians too. And it quite cheap in some parts of KK now. Can even find RM5/kg. In Sipitang, we found the Musang King durian at RM25/kg. It used to be more expensive. Oh but, it was totally worth it.

  3. hi angie,
    i want..i's heaven to find so much fruit.. i have not eaten tarap for quite sometimes.. when i go is always not the season..

    1. hi blu4sky
      aiyaa... so sayang you cannot come back when tarap is in season. Melepas lagi hehe..
      How nice if you can ask someone to bring some for you there kan. Make sure bring the not so ripe one. If too ripe pun not nice juga.

  4. Interesting tarap fruit, have not seen or heard about it. Can't get them across into West Malaysia? tQ

    1. hi Bananaz
      am not surprise you have not seen or heard of it before as it cannot be found anywhere else. It is very common in Borneo though. It is not cultivated as it grows wildly most probably spread by animals or when the fruit fall by itself when too ripe splitting the fruit and spreading the seeds all over. I am sure it can be brought over to West Malaysia. Just ensure not the too ripe ones as the smell is rather difficult to conceal just like durians ...hehehe.

  5. Hi angie,
    my siblings and parents all in sandakan now to attend a relative's wedding..and my sisters on watsapps were talking abt durians and tarap they bought..kasi tayang2 gambar lagi..isshh bikin panas..
    tapun.. :-p

    1. Hi blu4sky
      hahaha.. aduiii kesiann you. Notty they all ah. Mentang mentang no tarap in Semenanjung. Asked them if anyone going to semenanjung, tapau some for you.

  6. hallooo are you? Saya jalan2 dari rumah Amelia turus saya tarabang sini rumah kamu. Adoiii..langadon saya tu timadang ooo bila saya nampak tu gambar di blog Angie nie...ada musim lagi kah? Saya balik KK next week harap boleh jumpa timadang hehehe..

    saya suka makan yang 'komut2'[baru mau masak haha] lagi, kalau suda talampau masak kurang sudak kesedapan dia tu kan. didn't know pulak bulih kasi frozen bah pula tu tarap, juz like durian juga kan..may be our friend Amelia can dish up something exotic from buah tarap...ishh turus macam saya tercium2 bau tarap ooo hehe

    salam kenal from mokcik..

  7. hii Mokcik
    wahh hepi nya saya kamu dapat jalan jalan dirumah saya yang tidak sebrapa ni. Ishh slalu bah saya nampak kamu punya comment tempat Amelia and Uncle Lee tapi segan juga mau pi menyampuk hehehe..sowwy ya. Before mau cakap pasal timadang, kamu orang Sabah kah? Doiii.. atauu... kamu memang pernah tinggal sini, atauuu...kawin orang sini? hahaha banyak soalan lah pula kan.
    Bah, apalagi, balik lah. Masih banyak lagi tu. Belum terlambat ni. You try lah makan yang half frozen..I tell youuu...hahaha. Tapikan mungkin Amelia belum pernah makan ni oh. If you balik semenanjung, buli tapau sikit kot...:p :p tapi mesti bungkus airtight nanti harum seluruh kapal...

    Ok bye hope to see you often here kio.

  8. hahaha...keeehoiii..bah kadi tulun Dusun boh saya ni Angie. mantad oku Tuaran..For the past 10 years, i've been working here in Semenanjung but work also bring me back often to KK.. Ya bah, selalu juga kita berselisih sana rumah Amelia atau Uncle Lee tu..katapi ntah kanapa tiba2 hari ni baru tergerak hati kono mau tarabang melawat sini. Turuss saya jatuh cinta, terlebih lagi bila nampak tu timadang hahaha..

    Really enjoyed looking at the photographs kamurang punya trip pigi China..kalau Angie nda cakap, saya pun ingat tu semua orang Sabah juga..macam lebihkurang ja tu pakaian tradisi kan.

    Hopefully, next week ada lagi tu buah timadang, bulih la lepaskan rindu makan puas2. Hubby ada cuba tanam di sini, tapi apparently nda mau tumbuh pula tu tarap tau.
    Bah..sampai jumpa lagi..take care kio.

  9. Azwa (macam nda mo panggil kau mokcik lah..saya bogia tua dari kau ekekeke..)
    adoiii... Dusun pula kau adehhhh... mati2 sia fikir org saaana sabarang haha.

    Bah, banyak lagi tu timadang tu. Pi lah sana tamu Tuaran nga bertimbun moti.
    Hopefully kalau kau ada masa, contact lah saya. Kita pi minum kupi atau hunt for more timadang..hehe.

  10. Hi angie and hi Mokcik Azwa,
    reading through the comments.. i got excited to find another sabahan blogger..
    so mo menyampuk kejap.. ok bah kan angie..
    *wave at mokcik azwa*.. hi staying in tuaran :D
    ..eii my parents lah in tuaran..i'm like you, now staying in s'jung :)

  11. Hi blue4sky
    eehh nah kan..hahaha kita kita juga pula ni. Kau pun dari Tuaran? Deiii... jadi jangan2 kamu satu kampung dengan Azwa hahaha...
    So excited ni.. wish and hope can meet up with you two ladies one of these days.
    Jom serbu rumah Azwa..hehehe...

  12. Angie..hahaha..mau kana cop ' saya orang dusun' kali di dahi saya ni tau..ramai juga org nda percaya saya org dusun hahaha

    bah tatap sia mo serbu tu tamu Tuaran tu..patang2 selalu kami pigi beli 'buntut ayam bakar' tu sana hehehe..

    InsyaAllah kalau sempat kita geder2 sambil makan timadang atau sukang hahaha kasi jeles si Lee. hahaha

    1. haha..kau pun pandai makan buntut ayam?
      Saya ok juga tapi tidak buli banyak.. talampau lemak gia tu.
      Bah, kalau kamu ada masa, and dapat turun kk pi cuci2 mata sana Suria, contact lah kio.

    2. heheh..jgn nda tau, tu makanan feberet anak2 saya tu haaha. Saya pun kontrol ayu juga makan tu sbb ada bp hehe.

      Sudah buka kah Suria? yang dekat Wisma Merdeka kan? Bah, insyaAllah..saya planning mo pigi bikin facial juga konon di Wisma tu, mau kasi licin dulu ni kulit muka yg lama sudah kena biar sejak saya gave birth 4 months ago hehe..maybe you can recommend tempat kamu biasa pigi Angie?

  13. Halllooooo..bahh.. Blue4sky..{waving hi hi} kamu pun orang Tuaran kah?? Nah..ramai bah pula Sabahan blogger ni kan. and where we met? Di alam siber..berkumpul di rumah si Lee hehehe..

    Kalau ada jejak kasih nie silap2 terjumpa saudara di alam blog ni kan. bah blue4sky, sa mo balik KK ni next pigi serbu tamu di Tuaran nanti. If u happened to balik Tuaran bah kasi tau aaa..hehehe

    so nice to know another Sabahan sini..

    1. pun ikut si angie panggil azwa..bulih bah kan..
      My parents settled down d tuaran tp bkn asal mom from nabazan and dad fr membakut..

      Haa u r going back to kk nx week..uii jelesnya..CNY nanti br kami pulang insyallah..bah klu balik nanti klu mkn tarap..jgn lupa saya..

  14. pun ikut si angie panggil azwa..bulih bah kan..
    My parents settled down d tuaran tp bkn asal mom from nabazan and dad fr membakut..

    Haa u r going back to kk nx week..uii jelesnya..CNY nanti br kami pulang insyallah..bah klu balik nanti klu mkn tarap..jgn lupa saya..

    1. Buli bah kalau kau...hahaha.. rindu sa tu expression ooo haha

      Me oso from area Tuaran but dakat2 sanaaaa Jambatan Tamparuli, naikkkkk bukitttt lagggiii hahaha.. bah nanti sa makan tarap sa makan untuk kamu juga nanti hehehe

  15. Angie,
    i'm planning to go back during CNY.. my children school mesti cuti 1 wk coz they go to chinese school...ngam nanti kita contact2 ahh

    azwa, am so excited ohhh..dulu school d tuaran jgk kah? If u don't mind..darjah 1 thn bila?

    1. Bah nda lama juga tu lagi CNY, tapi mangakali tiada tarap, ada Bambangan hehe

      Me God, ntah tahun bila sudah saya darjah 1 tu aaa..seems like so very long ago [tiba2 perasan diri sudah masuk kategori antik hahaha]. macam si angie juga saya, nda ingat sudah ooo. All i can remember is i finished my Form 6 in 1985 di SMK Menggatal. Started school in Keningau and Tambunan. Primary 4 till Form 5 baru saya skool sana Q'lu.

      Blu, ko pun macam kes saya ka, tersangkut orang sini hehehe?

  16. Eee best nya kamu sama2 di Semenanjung. Buli lah kamu contact2, macam jejak kasih gitu...hehe.
    Blu4sky, bah, bila balik kk nanti, jangan lupa calling2 ya.

    Ahemm.. bah kau tanya lah Azwa tahun bila dia darjah satu, tapi jangan tanya saya ok...wakakakah...saya tahun kuda lagi, susah mau ingat ..wohooo..

    1. Angie, kalau turun KL kasi tau la, bulih kita pigi minum kupi sama2 hehehe

    2. Okayy.... Hopefully next year,
      :). Will cari both of you hehe..
      Oh ya pasal facial di Kk, i normally go to Monica at City Mall. :)

  17. my last comment last night x keluar.. mesti tu internet problem..

    angie, azwa works in putrajaya bah kan.. and guess what.. saya pun...bahh bulih lah pegi ketuk pintu office dia nanti..hahaha...



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...