Thursday, January 24, 2013


As mentioned before, my other favourite waste of time besides photography is stringing fashion accessories. It never fails to amaze me of any finished item especially when it gets good comments from friends. It was also a pleasant surprise that friends are even willing to buy them.  I also managed to sell some during the Christmas Carnival of which a portion of the proceeds were donated to charity.  If you are on Facebook, perhaps you might just pop in at!/MandyNikkosCollections.   We are also on Instagram. Credit to my girls for the set up.

I am thankful that my two girls and my son's girlfriend are supportive and are enthusiatic about getting a  concept to make this hobby into something more tangible. They are now trying to set up a website and God willing would be available soon.  

In trying to get new designs, I noted that charm bracelets and necklace are getting more attention. I like the vintage look. I learned that a charm bracelet is an item of jewellery worn around the wrist. It carries personal ‘charm’ decorative pendants or trinklet which signify important things in the wearer’s life.

Lately, my girls and I managed to string a few and would be available in February hopefully to coincide with Valentine's Day.  Reserve orders though are very much welcomed..hehehe..

We have yet to perfect our designs which do not strictly follow the  design of a conventional charm bracelet or necklace but be assured that each is made with much joy and enthusiasm. 

Here are some pictures. The 'old look' and the frame is deliberately done to heighten the vintage look.  They are semi complete as I have yet to fix the clasp, preferably a toggle clasp as we have yet to receive them which were ordered online just a few days ago.

All pictures were taken using our handphone.



  Work-in progress, tools and raw materials. Most materials are readily available through the Net and we sometimes get carried away. It is so easy to just click away adding stuff into the cart and later find out much to our dismay that the amount we have to pay has exceeded twice the amount that we were supposed to spend...haha 

 Bead Turquoise Blue, a personal favourite.

ohh look at the mess.. need to organize.


  1. Hi Angie, all the bracelets look very beautiful and elegant. You and your daughter are very creative, keep it up. Wishing you all the best.

    Have a lovely day, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia
      thank you for dropping by and for your lovely comments.
      We get a lot of inspiration from others and we try to create our own signature...heheh still searching.
      You too have a lovely day ya, :)

  2. Dear Angie, dulu2 I used to really buy benda2 ni, a lot di Central Market KL.Then Padang Besar mula jual crystal yg cntik. So I have quite a collection, bila pergi kerja everyday boleh tukar ikut color baju..seronok..balik kerja terus buang, I tk mau benda tu kena minyak ke, so sampai now semua masih cantik, berkilat..he he

  3. Hi IndahMarya
    so happy you too appreciate costume jewellery. That goes for me too. Dulu2 kan I used to wear yang chunky costume jewellery..Tu lah if travel, mesti beli banyak dalam various colours so that can match with baju hahaha.I still like them then tiba2 pula timbul interest to make it. So beli segala tools and viola..adalah menjadi sikit. You know sometimes, I get carried away macam budak kecik if i visit shop yang jual the beads and all, macam nak angkat semua..hahaha gila kan?

  4. They are actually nicely crafted and great presentation there, too.

    1. Thank you de engineur
      Just feeding the creative side of me (konon lah) hehe

  5. Hello Angie, cantik, lovely and absolutely beautiful the collection. Creative sungguh I agree with Aunty Ina kata ..... When a pretty beautiful and elegant lady cari hobby waste time pun will turnout beautiful punya time wasting . Keep it up sure will be a hit amongst the young , the not so old and the young at heart. Keep smiling from Uncle AL and Aunty Ina Pg

  6. Hi Uncle Al
    Ohh thank you for your sweet comments. I appreciate it very much.
    Oh ya, heard that yoi have been unwell the last few days. I am so sorry but as you are able to visit this pondok of mine, i guess you are now ok. .. Do take care of yourself and a good rest should do you well. Perhaps been working too hard. Wanted to wish you a speedy recovery at our good friend's blog but noted that so many comments there already from your concerned friends, some commenting few times. As our friend is a very obliging person, he replies each and everyone punya comments, I kesian pula, i punya comment buat dia extra work hehe.. That's why am glad your visit here so can wish you well directly. About the kk pics, bear with me ya Sir. I am travelling at the moment but will be home in a couple of days..
    Take care and my best reagards to Aunty Ina (Datin).

  7. Hello Angie, just one word says it from me, "WOW"! I am impressed! You and your kids very imaginative, creative. I can sense the excitement of your this paying hobby.
    Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.
    Love the designs as well the stones, gems.....
    Have fun Angie, and from Canada, wishing you and your board of directors, happy hours and may your cash register start singing soon.
    Keep a song in your heart.

  8. Hi Lee
    oh WOW indeed at your comments haha.. thank you Lee for that lovely comments and encouragement. May your wishes blossom into reality hahaha...

    I owe much of the concept from the kids and thankful for their enthusiasm. It motivates each of us to improve the designs hahaha...keep our spirit alive too. The gemstones as well as the charms are beautiful aren't they?

    Thanks for dropping by
    and yes, keep a song in your heart too.


  9. Love at first sight the one on the 6th pixz and the rest are lovely too. Cool & creative.

  10. Hi Bananaz
    ohhh thank you for liking that. I like it too hahaha.. that was made by my huh esp with the feathers... Incidentally that was one of the few sold much earlier. You have great taste..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...