Tuesday, February 5, 2013


First of all, I would like to apologise to Uncle Al  (Dato') for the delay in coming out with the promised pictures of Kota Kinabalu.  I have no excuse Sir except the usual, I've been tied up with other stuff since my return from travelling a few days ago.  Ahhaa.. isn't that a classic excuse?  

Anyway, I've tried to search through the archive of my album of photographs of KK and its surrounding area and came out with some randomly taken sometime last year, now, proudly showing to you and to my other precious readers. Though not well-taken, I hope in some ways, you get to retrieve your beautiful memories of KK when you were once upon a time living here.  I hope you and your beautiful wife Datin Ina would come and visit KK again one day soon.

I was walking along Gaya Street and spied the historical Atkinson Tower and took a snap.
Built in 1903, this all-wood, no nails structure was built in memory of Francis George Atkinson, the popular first District Officer of Jesselton during the British North Borneo Chartered Company Administration, who had succumbed to a tropical disease at the young age of 28.  This clock tower has the distinction of being the oldest standing structure in the whole of Sabah that survived the destruction of Jesselton town during the WWII. Till today, it still serves to keep the city’s time.

Jesselton Point ... Si
situated north of Kota Kinabalu, this scenic place has an unmistakabe historical feel to it - complete with olden days snapshots of Kota Kinabalu city (Jesselton). Jesslllton Point serves as the only ferry terminal for Labuan-bound passengers as well as the main boat terminal for the islands nearby.

View from the top.. Bandaran Berjaya.. Yonder is the Wisma Budaya building 
and the long building with the brown roof is what used to be the BFO Cinema. 

Suria Sabah Shopping Mall - the green glass building is the latest shopping mall in
Kota Kinabalu. If you are in KK and feel like shopping at Metro Jaya, Suria Sabah is for you.
The building on the left is Wisma Sabah.   

A shop in Gaya Street. The walls are lined with nostalgic pictures of the British Colony era and Japanese Occupation. This event is a community heritage exhibition that features old buildings, old-time stories, cultures and social history about Gaya Street. This street was known as  Bond Street during the British Colony era.  Known as  'Bonding with Gaya Street' this event was organised by North Borneo History Enthusiasts and Kota Kinabalu City Hall, supported by Sabah Tourism Board, Information Department, Sabah State Museum, Sabah Archives and Daily Express.  

Gaya Street

Sweet Young Things..Gaya Street

One of the nostalgic pictures of beautiful ladies

Tourists love Gaya Street and its quaint coffee shop..

Above and below : Gaya Street

a group of Ukulele enthusiast busking at the 
Gaya Street..

one of the oldest shops - Gaya Street

Sunday Gaya Street Fair

Every Sunday from 7.00 am to 1.00 pm, this street will come alive with hawkers selling their wares as well as shoppers. 

Bukit Padang - a favourite jogging place

That building is a restaurant that specialise in sea food.

Can you spot Yayasan Sabah Building. (aka Menara Tun Mustapha)

This is Tanjung Aru Beach.

View of KK from Likas Bay

Gaya Street 

Gaya Street, popular with tourists and locals alike..

the sunsets of KK seen from Likas Bay..

Tanjung Aru Beach and it's sunset

.. a fisherman at dawn and Mt Kinabalu taken
at the bridge of Mengkabung River, Tuaran.


  1. Dear Angie,my wife and i,wish to thank you so very much for this n3. It was worth the wait as we walk down memory lane. We spend or i did and my wife came for visits during my stay in 1984 to 1987. I made lots of wonderful friends during my stint in KK. The places you showed are known to me very well except changes are seen. Gaya Street is still gaya street with new outlets. Thre was a hotel at the end of Gaya street the name escapes me and also Bank of commerce ada kat situ.We used to walk from Hyatt the GM then was a local named Lawrence Lau where i stayed as my home for 6 months before i moved to Luyang,taman Foh Sang.Again we thank you for this wonderful memories and hopefully be visiting soon.I still remember having chats and tea with friends at Shangri-la hotel near a roundabout if i can recollect. Is it still there? Again Thank You so much, Best Regards, Happy CNY and GOD BLESS from Uncle AL and Aunty Ina.

  2. Hi Angie, wow! Great pics! Well taken. I can recollect the beautiful shops I'd seen wayyyy back in the '70s, 80s but not the names.
    Your pics did ring a bell in my head, especially Tanjong Aru where I swam few times.
    I was in KK few times, but often it was fly in, fly out business visits.
    Never had time walkabouts, sightseeing.

    I guess I was more interested in the longhouses of the Ibans, or Dyaks, Orang Ulus in the interior then. And was fortunate to have seen the deep interior ones. But one thing that struck me then, and today, Sabah sure has it fair share of extremely beautiful ladies or girls. And most are very fair too.
    My one regret I had no time to socialize, ha ha....
    You're a good photographer capturing these beautiful scenes. Outstanding.
    Have a great week, keep well.

  3. Hi Uncle Al
    I am glad that the pictures managed to somewhat let you walk down memory lane. Ahh that was a long time ago then the '80's. So much of KK has changed and yet the same. Yes Gaya Street has undergone lots of changes too. No BOC is no longer there, but has been replaced by other banks. In fact Gaya Street has the most concentration of commercial banks in KK. Almost all the banks have a branch there. The foreign banks like HSBC and SCB are still there.
    Hyatt Hotel was THE hotel those days..haha. My office used to be situated in Wisma Sabah which is just a block away from Hyatt.. wow, our path could have crossed for all we know hahaha... You must be talking about the Jesselton Hotel in Gaya street. It is one of the oldest hotel in KK built if I am not mistaken in 1954. It was the grandest hotel in those days and I heard that many famous people had stayed there. It has undergone a lot of refurbishment but still maintain that Colonial look. The hotel has a unique way of welcoming guest in that visitors are welcomed by doorman attired in a colonial uniform complete with a tropical cork sun hat and even use Colonial Taxi for transporting their guests. Very interesting. Will try see if I can find pictures ya.

    The roundabout near Shangri-la Hotel is still in existence haha.. if you look at picture number 3, that Sir, is the Bandaran Berjaya roundabout - nicely landscaped and looking so green...hehe..

    My best regards to you and Aunty Ina. God bless.

  4. Hi Lee
    thanks for dropping by and for that lovely comments. Yes, KK has come a long way and a lot of changes has taken place. Yet the charm of the place is the same if not for the unwanted illegal immigrants...sigh. Tanjung Aru Beacn is a popular place for picnic due to its lovely sandy beaches and scenic views of blue sea and islands. It is also a favourite place for couples to 'park' their cars underneath the Aru trees especially at night...hahaha.

    Oh ya, Sabah has many beautiful ladies..must be due to the many inter-marriages. When Chinese marry Kadazans for example, will definitely produce smooth and fair-skinned children hahaha..
    Let's hope you, Uncle Al and your respective beautiful wife could visit Sabah one day soon.

    My best regards and have a lovely day.

  5. You have pictured KK very well, and beautiful girls too.

    1. rainfield61

      thanks for dropping by and for your sweet comments. Hahaha, so you noticed the beautiful long-legged girls....tee hee.

  6. Looking at the pictures reminded me of where my heartstrings are tethered.
    I keep looking out for the faces of my La Sallian friends in the pictures!!!!
    I miss KK so much, and I keep my fingers crossed as I have been contacted to be available in a year to return and work right there in my old abode. May this dream come true.

  7. hobbit1964
    I am so glad the pictures brought you down memory lane where you spent a number of your growing up years. Ohh.. too bad I was not able to feature any of your old LaSallian friends. Will see if I can find any pictures of the school, Sacred Heart and LaSalle.

    Hope your stint in KK comes through soon. Sabah awaits you Sir. Good luck..:)

  8. Angie just wanna wish you GONG XI FA CAI and God Bless fr Uncle AL and Aunty Ina Pg

  9. Uncle Al and Aunty Ina
    thanks for the lovely and thoughtful wishes...
    May I too wish you both a blessed and happy holidays..
    Take care and be safe ya..
    P/s: Sir, I owe you Jesselton pics haha..bear with me ya..

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Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...