Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Have been toying with the idea of changing them hair style... mine.  Getting a little tired of these long tresses.  Perhaps time to cut it short..or   But I'm not sure if I could live with that drastic results after..  hehehe

For as long as I can remember, I have always had long hair and every now and then have it trimmed or treated but never very short.  I did sport a short hair a long time ago... and that was like more than 10 years ago?  Now should I or should I not...decisions, decisions...

..getting tired of them long tresses...


  1. Hi flawless, talking bout hair, last week I had the oportunity to go trim my hair..not short la, just shorter,.when let down still touching the bra line..quite long kan .? yang best bila the girl said, 'hey, you have thick hair, banyak rambut and healthy pakai shampoo apa? '
    memang sejak muda rambut I tebal , maybe becos I selalu letak santan kut..masa weekend..then shampoo mcm biasa..
    I pun mcm you , tak mau potong smpai pendek sebab I da besa potong pendek and I dnt like the look . kureng ayu..ha ha..but true my friend, at least mesti lepas bahu..pendek sgt tk best..
    If u want my opinion, I think I prefer u in the last photo, rambut tu bagi ada curls sikit to give body to it..pjg sgt tk cantik..just lepas bahu sikit ja..colour atas sekali nmpak muda..cepat pi salon, n dnt frget tunjuk gmbar rambut baru tau..
    You tk cr my friend.

    1. My dear gorgeous IM, there are bad hair days and some good hair days. But lately I seem to hear myself sighing more because of my hair. Dah lah tak lebat, takde shape pula tu. Flat semacam..I pernah juga letak santan sekali dua but always lupa.

      After I wrote this blog, I went to my hair dresser who is also a good friend and asked her to do whatever she wants to do with my hair, maybe even cut it short and she said No! LOL.. I pun heran.. issh.. my hair, suka hati i lah but she said if I cut short, later I mesti menangis menyesal hahaha..she did cut a little though, just gave it some shape.

  2. Ladies have all the privilege when comes to hair or fashion. Can have long, can have braided, can keep shoulder length, can tie pony tail, pigtail, and so on and on..Think you can cut them short for a change after all hair will grow pretty fast. Good luck

    1. We are funny creatures aren't we? haha..never thankful enough. As opposed to men, we have hundreds of ways to do our hair yet, I find myself sighing a lot about hair, especially during bad hair days. I did really consider cutting it short, well not too short perhaps just below my ears, but my hairdresser who is also a good friend thought otherwise. She told me straight to my face, I would look like the 'auntie' selling vegetables on the street.. hahaha.. and that I'd cry regretting it.LOL. She did give it a little cut about a couple of inches.

  3. Dear Angie..hahaha..betul tu apa tu hair dresser tu bilang..hahaha, after all best friend is a person who tell us the truth, not the thing that we wanted to hear kan..Sayang juga tu rambut kalau kasi pendek bah, lagi pun, i think it suits you, long hair i mean hehehe..

    1. Hi Azwa.. haha tu hair dresser memang sudah biasa with me 'cos I always go to her. What I like about her is if I am not sure what to do with my hair, she just do what she likes and I trust her 'cos usually I would like it. If I don't I tell her hahaha.. and she doesn't mind.
      So this time, tidak jadi potong pendek.

  4. Hi Angie, you look gorgeous in long hair. Keep this length.
    I got bored very fast.... I change my hair from long to short, very short, bob style then long again. Straight,curly, re bonding all I tried already LOL
    If you got thick hair then can try re-bonding.
    I massage my hair with olive oil then wash and rinse. Then mix rosemary, sage and black tea together massage into your hair. Do not rinse again, just leave it.

    Have a lovely weekend. *Hugs*

    1. Hi Amelia, thank you for your lovely words..blushing now hehe. I too have tried lots of hairstyles.. curly, bob, straight.. So far never had very short boyish style though. I remember one time, I permed my hair and it was short and so curly and frizzy hahaha... eeekkkk.. that was a nightmare!! I had to have it cut to remove the curls and it made my hair short but with body. I quite liked it actually and was wondering if I dare have it again. That was a long time ago. But now my hairdresser would not have it, said it won't suit me hahaha.. She did cut some about 2 inches and it is less flat now. Phew.. until my next bad hair

      Have a fabulous weekend my dear. ..*hugs and muahh*



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...