the 'gong shaped' hair styles

As a member of the State Level Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan Committee, I would like to take the opportunity to clear the air on the infamous gong hairstyles of the UNK Participants.
Contrary to popular belief, the GONG style is NOT a prerequisite to the competition. Participants or hairstylists are free to choose other styles such as the modern 'sanggul' as long as the hair is up.
The modern 'sanggul' (right pic)
The Unduk Ngadau Organizer have since several years ago held briefing to the district's organizers, to advise the participants and make-up artists on these hair rulings. Briefing was also made to the Participants on the 27th and 30th May (competition day was 31st May) to advise their make-up artists and that hints were even made that Judges may even deduct points should the hair becomes too big and does not complement with the participants' face.

The modern 'sanggul'
District winners with the modern 'sanggul'
But each year, some hair becomes bigger and even I cringed with pity for the poor girls. Some even commented that it makes the girls look like "auntie".. and I don't blame them.
I am compelled to say something about it in the Unduk Ngadau Facebook page and also here when I noticed so many negative comments about the hair. Some even resorted to name-calling. Now that was comical, amusing but unkind to say the least. But they had a point. If only it was commented it in a more professional way instead of ranting like a mad person and not only about the darned hair but about so many other things related to Unduk Ngadau.
some does look nice when done tastefully
(Miss Melinda Louis, UNK 2012)
Anyway, I can't even remember when this hairstyle came into being. I don't remember the Unduk Ngadau of yesteryears sporting this hairstyles at all. But am sure it must have started somewhere. I am not denying that some of them do look nice especially when done tastefully and may have contributed to the 'hair revolution' when that particular girl won the competition! But then again it is not for everyone.
The hairstyles of UNK of yesteryears..
Miss Jeremiah Ginajil, UNK 1998
Miss Kathie Renjus, UNK 1999
Miss Nicoleta Sanseh (UNK 2001)
UNK 1991
(Pictures from newspaper cuttings, courtesy of Dolly MJ)
Hi flawless, I baru tau semua ni..ish ada yg kembang semacam je, ada yang just nice kan? anyway, bila tengok sanggul modern lagi cantik kan ? anyway I memang suka giler tengok their pakaian traditional , so unique, colourful and artistic .have a happy weekend my friend.
ReplyDeleteHi dear gorgeous IM, haha.. tu lah rambut tu memang controversy sikit. Actually I pun tak ingat how it became to be like that. Certaintly our nenek moyang takde lah buat rambut macam ni. But it seems ada orang suka sangat. Entah lah... I hope next year ada perubahan sikit kan.
DeleteHave a lovely week dear friend..
No need lah kembang2 itu rambut. Buat saja yg just nice bah.. Kalau kembang betul bkn lawa jg. The so called gong shaped tu tdk lawa bah sya tgk.. Setiap tahun makin kembang pula tu rambut..bagus kasi brief clearly sama tu make up artist, sepa rambut terlampau kembang deduct BANYAK markah..
ReplyDeleteTu lah, rambut tu if terlalu kembang make the girls look cacat macam dari planet lain hehehe. Always bah kami advise to make up artist. Ada juga yang buat cantik tapi ada bikin tekejut ni. During competition, sekali I went back stage to check on them, sikit lagi pengsan ada yang participant caantik jadi macam kartun ..kesiannn. Tapi last minute kami pun tidak cakap apa2 'cos nanti the girl lose confident kan. Tu lah selalu, yang kembang rambut tu, masuk first round ja. Trus out. Kesian kan.
DeleteHopefully next next, derang dengar nasihat kami.
ehem Angie..actually i wanted to say something about the hair style in your former posting fact i think there is something not right about the winner punya rambut yang bila kena letak tu crown di kepala dia jadi bida..padahal dia tu sebenarnya lawa tapi tu hair style tu kasi spoil. Bagus juga bila Angie sendiri yang komen ni pasal sanggul like i know why all their hairstyles are like that. tapi jgn la bah terlampau kambang, terus nampak macam inan2 semua tu sumandak hehehe..tapi ni bukan salah participant kan, ni hair stylist punya karaja, but am sure diaorang pun mangkali dapat arahan dari orang lain lagi tu mangkali kangku ma..
ReplyDeleteno heart feeling..peace yoooo...
Hi Azwa...hehehe.. tu rambut year in year out, controversy. If nda brapa kembang ok juga. Entah macamana lagi kasi faham tu make up artist tu... and most of them yang 'aw aw' punya...hehe. Jahat oh. Tapi ada yang buat cantik lah. But not everybody can do that. So actually we advise them that they can make modern sanggul tu.
DeleteTiada arahan dari siapa siapa. Cuma mungkin ada yang dulu buat cantik and the girl menang. So they all thought judges suka this hairstyles. This year. of the 40 contestants, semua buat rambut mcam ru copying each other. So siapa yang mau dipilih? haiyaa...hehe. Hopefully next year if kami lagi yang organise, we impress to them more firmly kan?
Cheers and peace dear.:)
What a great post! Love reading your post on the Unduk Ngadau hairstyle. I will do one post on Unduk Ngadau as well this year! :)