Monday, June 3, 2013


The top 7 winners of the State Level Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan 2013 

We are proud to welcome Miss Immaculate Lojuki, a beautiful lanky standing at 5' 8.5" (as per her resume) of Kota Kinabalu as the new Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan 2013.

1st Runner Up - Miss Ritchell Andreas, Ranau
2nd Runner Up - Miss Nillsey Debbie Sening, Tuaran
3rd Runner Up - Miss Diana Gilbert, Putatan
4th Runner Up - Miss Didie Phang, Penampang
5th Runner Up - Miss Ledesma Steven, Klang Valley
6th Runner Up - Miss Sarah Gleophas Gorotud, Tambunan

I wish to thank all the amazing photographers...

Picture courtesy of Donna Gloreyta. 

Picture courtesy of Leslie Isaac Kok
(Velvia Fotographic)

The contestants are judged on:
1. Beauty,
2. Costume,
3. Presentation,
4. Questions & Answers: 2 sets of questions, one of which is in local dialect and another question to be answered in    Bahasa Melayu. This carries 35% of overall marks.
5. Attitude  & Personality.

Congratulations to all winners.State Level Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan


  1. Hi flawless, I cuma nak puji gambar baru you.I like yr new hair colour, and of course spec hitam tu...baju a bit longer give you a more slim look.apa benda merah bergantung dari pokok tu ?

  2. Hi gorgeous IM, haha.. I am now blushing from ear to ear, but thank you for the pujian hehe..

    Gambar tu diambik during a visit to Taiwan last November. Pemandangan tempat tu cantik 'cos atas bukit and sejuk cos tengah autumn. That was taken early morning and sunrise was beautiful. Dapat angle yang tepat 'cos matahari yang sedang naik memancar kat rambut yang baru letak highlights few days sebelum travel. The sunglasses is a fit-over 'cos I guna spectacles, so very convenient. A few years back, I use to use contact lense, sekarang dah tua, so have to pakai spectacles hehe..

    Ohh yang benda merah tu, the resort owner pasang macam perhiasan, looks like tanglung.

    Though most people there tak tulis or speaks English, I still like the place, cos semua teratur and clean. :)
    Thanks for dropping by dear. Later I visit you ok...hugs.

  3. Hello Angie...oo kali ni UNK dari Kota Kinabalu ya..memang lawa2 semua dorang personal choice would be UNK watas Penampang om Tuaran hahaha..

    Bah.. have a great day Angie..take care..

    1. Hi Azwa, UNK kali ni lawa, tinggi lampai, standing barefooted at almost 5'9". Can you imagine when she wears the 4" heels? Date not stand beside her 'cos terserlah my ke pendekkan haha..macam midget gitu. She looks like an international model. We all have out own personal favourite but I think luck plays an important part. Also the Q & A carries high marks at 35%. So the prettiest does not necessarily get to win. :(.

      The rep from Tuaran and Penampang are two very stunning ladies! :)

    2. Angie,

      Yup..luck do plays an important part and how one carry oneself too. She must be kacukan kali? jarang jua orang kadazan dusun ni tinggi2 me, pindik tagap hahaha..

  4. Angie,congrats,all the hard work, dedication,worrying days prior to the event,worked out fine.Keep it up. Well done and God Bless,regards Uncle AL. P/S BEAUTIFUL year Uncle AL volunteer jadi Judge ok.LOL.during question and answer time with my set of questions arhahahahaha.e.g Have you heard of Nigella the chef,will you do the same while Lee ajar ahahahahaha.

  5. Hi Uncle Al, thank you for the kind words. Phew, yes thank goodness everything went well. Only God knows what went on behind the curtains, I mean scene hehehe... Some chaotic moments especially when something unexpected stuff crops up last minute. eg Contestants getting stage fright and refuse to come out, entertainer never arrive and we had to look for substitute that minute and there are already thousands out there waiting..aiyoo..

    Hahaha.....*cough cough* Uncle ni..lucu lah. of course I've heard of the famous beautiful Nigella who wears or wears not while cooking. Ok, Uncle or Lee get ready your Bio as a judge for next year... eg a retired alligator or OTAI with young heart...hahahaha...

  6. Congratulation to KKinabalu rep, Immaculate. And all the winners - they are winners in their own way, they won at their respective district (well almost).

    Thanks Angie for the explanation on the contestant hairstyles

  7. You won't believe how many comments appear about that monstrous hairstyles in FB. Even those so-called learned came out with comments not befitting from a learned person. Gosh, the effect of that darned hairstyles apparently cause some to lose their mind ..hahaha...seriously..:). I've made some comments on the issue at Ngadau Kaamatan P Negeri. I hope it will appease those concerned somewhat..



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...