Saturday, March 22, 2014


Dear All, I just wanna announce that I will not be posting in this blog after this for awhile.  Can’t tell for sure when I will be back but you are welcomed to leave your comments if you so wish. 

However, I will still keep this blog open and will probably be posting something every now and then in my other blog ‘curls & eyelashes . Do visit me there when free.

Thank you all for your support these past years. Your comments and visits were very much appreciated and have brought me immense joy.   Love and hugs to you all. 

Cheers, till we meet again, Adios!  

Here is my last post.

called Gaagabang in Kadazan or Uduk Uduk as the Malays in Sabah call it.
This is a wild plant with medicinal value. 

During my childhood days in the kampong (village), where life was much simpler and siblings, some friends and I, -  our playground was the jungle. We would roam the woods in the hills in search of firewood or wild fruits.The ripened fruit of this Gaagabang is purplish in colour and sweet. That fruit was our 'candy' as we didn't have the luxury of real candies. But we had lots of fun showing each other's purple/black tongue and teeth..

We would climb trees and pretended we were Tarzan, just swinging from frees to trees from hanging vines. Once, before I could get a good grip of the entwined vines, someone gave me a push to induce the swing,  I lost my grip, fell down into a ravine and rolled straight into a stream. 

My fall  hurt me bad 'cos for a moment I couldn't get my breath back and I thought I would just die. My lungs just refused to open.  I heard voices which sounded far away. Then miraculously, my breath came back and I felt like my chest was ripping and bursting into a thousand pieces!  I was helped out and not only dripping wet but shocked, dazed and very scared. What will mother say?  I'm gonna get a beating for playing a dangerous game for sure I thought.

I later found out that I fell on a huge protruding root of a tree. Thousands of angels must have been with me that day as I didn't break anything apart from a few cuts and bruises and an injured pride.

My mother never found out how I fell.. nobody dared tell her that I fell while pretending to be tarzan ...hahaha... Scolded, I was, but still she treated my cuts.  

Usually to stop bleeding or just treating minor cuts and bruises,  my mother would mash some young shoots of the Gaagabang apply onto the cleaned wound and tie with a piece of clean cloth. The next morning, no more gaping wound, the bleeding not only stopped, but the cuts dried up, no infection...

Those days seems so far away but even this simple plant reminds me of my mom.. It's more than 10 years now since she went away...but it feels like only yesterday.  Miss you in peace...

Note: All pictures except for the Gaagabang are courtesy of the web.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


..where are you?...

The outlook of MH370 seems bleak. Nevertheless, let's not stop praying, for what else can we do in times like this but to pray to God for the safety of all the 239 passengers. Also pray for their families that they be given strength to accept any eventualities during this difficult time. May all the rescue teams, volunteers and the authorities be given positive leads soon.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


As the dust settles
On another year added to my life
I stand amazed God,
Once again you have proven
 Your wisdom and perfect timing
There were trials, pain and victories
Moments that required 'a try again'
You have been there
 Every step of the way
Sometimes I wanted to question –

Then calmness settle 
Cause a lesson needed to be learned
Today I just want to say "Thank you Lord"
 'Cause without you,
I would not have made it… 
You knew my worth
You knew my ability
You saw the best in me

When I sometimes questioned it..

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


One day, months ago, one of my best buds gushed about the cheap flights offered by low cost carrier AirAsia to Bali which has now resumed its direct flights from Kota Kinabalu.  The direct flights were discontinued a few years back, a business decision I presume. Its resumption that commenced on 27th July 2013 was very much welcomed by the netizens of Sabah as they would no longer have to travel through KLIA.   The cheap flights from Kota Kinabalu to Bali thrice weekly every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday were snapped within minutes! Some must have been waiting in ambushed days after the announcement.  

What was supposed to be a trip for just 3 or 4 of us ladies, later swelled to 20!  Some of the tickets were acquired double than the amount that we paid.  The 6N/5D trip from 15th February was a dream come true for me as I have always wanted to visit this beautiful island!  

Bali is indeed magical, steeped in rich tradition and spirituality that focuses mainly on art and religion. Most public areas, homes and paddy fields are decorated by intricate carvings, paintings and artworks.   Home to many beautifully and sacred temples throughout the country, Bali villages hold many temple festivals and colourful geremonies.  I understand that ninety percent of Balinese are Hindu and around five percent Muslims, the remaining practise Buddhism or Christianity. 

..these offerings are found almost everywhere.. in and around houses, shops or other public places.  Looks like a potpourri of flowers

We boarded the evening flight from Kota Kinabalu and was met at the airport by the tour coordinator. Just as we were about to board the bus that was waiting, we were delighted to be welcomed with garland of yellow flowers. I laughingly told my friends, the flower smelled Bali!

We were brought to Ubud, a 1 1/2 hours drive away, with a stop-over at a restaurant for late dinner and later we arrived our hotel, a restful retreat set within a green landscape at the edge of Ubud's sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. 

 Our ride..

The monkeys wandering about the hotel..

The following morning as I walked along the beautifully landscaped garden towards the cafe for breakfast, I had a shock of my life when a couple of monkeys got into my path. We were earlier warned that these monkeys can be bold and guests were known to have lost their sunglasses or handbags being left around attended. And so upon encounter of these animals, I instinctively held onto my handbag as if my life depended on it.. hahaha..

We really had fun visiting and shopping in this amazing island and should another opportunity strikes, I would be in Bali again in a heart's beat. 

I hereby share some pictures of our trip and let the pictures speak for themselves, mostly taken with my hand phone cam.

stunning rice terrace, taken from a moving bus..

Above - Taman Ayun Temple

Ulun Danu is a Hindu Temple located at the hilly side of Candi Kuning countryside. It is set at a lakeside of Beratan  surrounded by hills situated in the plateau area. The atmosphere there is cool and breezy.

 Tanah Lot - a rock formation. It is home of a pilgrimage temple, the Pura Tanah Lot, and a popular tourist and cultural icon for photography.

 ..the guyz after getting 'blessings' Hindu ways..

 BBQ Seafood Dinner at Jimbaran Bay, Kuta

..took this as it reminded me of someone born in the year of a horse 

Cheers folks, thanks for dropping by and have a lovely week!


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...