Wednesday, March 5, 2014


As the dust settles
On another year added to my life
I stand amazed God,
Once again you have proven
 Your wisdom and perfect timing
There were trials, pain and victories
Moments that required 'a try again'
You have been there
 Every step of the way
Sometimes I wanted to question –

Then calmness settle 
Cause a lesson needed to be learned
Today I just want to say "Thank you Lord"
 'Cause without you,
I would not have made it… 
You knew my worth
You knew my ability
You saw the best in me

When I sometimes questioned it..


  1. Another year added, and another year of wisdom acquired.

  2. Hi Angie,
    No man is an island,
    Entire of itself.
    Each is a piece of the continent,
    A part of the main.
    If a clod be washed away by the sea,
    Europe is the less.
    As well as if a promontory were.
    As well as if a manner of thine own
    Or of thine friend's were.

    Each man's death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in mankind.
    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the bell tolls,
    It tolls for thee.
    Best regards.

  3. Hi Lee, I love the poetry. Can see that you love poetry too. I love it too though am not good in making. I find the words intriguing and surreal hahaha... Thanks once again Lee.

    I love this Robert Burns Poem

    Laughter not time destroyed my voice
    And put that crack in it,
    And when the moon's pot-bellied
    I get a laughing fit,
    For that old Madge comes down the lane,
    A stone upon her breast,
    And a cloak wrapped about the stone,
    And she can get no rest
    With singing hush and hush-a-bye;
    She that has been wild
    And barren as a breaking wave
    Thinks that the stone's a child.

    And Peter that had great affairs
    And was a pushing man
    Shrieks, 'I am King of the Peacocks,'
    And perches on a stone;
    And then I laugh till tears run down
    And the heart thumps at my side,
    Remembering that her shriek was love
    And that he shrieks from pride.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...